Video version of step B station

Dear friends, I am the great Saint. Yesterday, a classmate asked me if my kidney had happened and sent me a link. I looked at it and saw that a young man had asked a question on Zhihu

Zhihu Question: How do you view the future development of element3 and Element Plus warehouses? Will it coexist or will it be crushed?


As the person in charge of Element3, I will also answer a wave of the technical aspects of @spring and spring again told a good, I will say the heart process, by the way, formally introduce Element3 this child, first say the conclusion

  1. Element3 is a community version of VuE3 that our team at Huguoshan launched to help developers learn about it
    • We keep a record of Element submissions as a tribute to our active contributors of around 20
  2. Element – pluscontributorsThere is no Element official Iamkun
    • In my opinion, it is also the community version, but the official community version is invalid, I only looked at the top 10, misjudged, Iamkun at 21
    • Like many years later if the Vue17 stop maintenance, I maintain a Vue18 as a community hobbyist, yu Yu Creek to help me to send an article recommended, the Vue18 is not an official version, only the official recognized community version, commonly known as county brigade
    • If it’s a small, it’s an official version with legal risks
  3. The two parties are not competing products and will always coexist to help the developers of VUE ecology
    • The goal of Element3 is to help developers learn vuE3, and there will be real-world tutorials and videos
    • The practical tutorial is ready to be written at the Languor
    • B station teaching video style, a bit like the video version of this article, face to explain + knock code recording screen
  4. Element3 is in it for the long haul, trying to step out of its own style and value
  5. Element3 exists to help you learn Vue3 better, so the documentation aspect is also the first to support the Composition API

Vue3 gives me inspiration

I like the design of Vue3 very much. During the 19th National Day, I was on my honeymoon in Europe. During the trip, I was excited to record a responsive video analysis of Vue3, which was recorded from Austria to Switzerland. Composition, ReActivity independence, static markup, etc., all inspired me to join vue3 and Vite code contributors

As a developer, I feel that I should do something in the community ecology. Although my code level is general, the prosperity of an open source project, code is only one part of it, but also needs the community activity and other aspects. For this reflection, please refer to my answer after watching the vue.js documentary

How to evaluate vue.js documentary? Teacher Snail – the sage’s answer

Although MY technology is general, but also work for eight or nine years of old driver, help novice learn Vue3 I think is qualified, this is also every developer like Vue3 can do, so I want to do a small Vue3 component library, help you learn how to learn how to do components in the Vue3 ecology, Then I found that Element-UI has not been maintained for nearly half a year, and the inventory of more than 1000 issues has been neglected. Only Iamkun is left in the official team. I like Element-UI very much, and it would be a pity if I abandoned it. I didn’t know there was Plus, and there were several similar projects at the time: Element for Vue3’s community project

Is the Element-UI no longer maintained? Teacher Snail – the sage’s answer

Project born – To learn

When I first started, I didn’t know that Plus existed. Element3 was designed to help developers learn vuE3, so my first action was to fork the element-UI code. Change the vue,vuex, and Vue-Router version dependencies to vue3, and gradually fix errors in the documentation. The first step is to support the Composition API in the documentation, which is currently the only vuE3 component library to support

Element3 was created to help developers learn the ecology of Vue3. Before that, I tried to design an ebook called Vue3 Technology Inside. I stopped at the componentization chapter, and I decided I needed to build a convincing component library so that the chapter could continue. With the gradual improvement of Element3, the componentization chapter has also begun to be updated and I hope to finish it as soon as possible

Later, I spoke to Iamkun from the Element team, and he agreed that we were open sourcing for education. It’s been maintained

B station video is also in the plan, if the effect is good, I will invite domestic well-known framework authors to help them record a convenient developer practical video on B station

Project progress and results

In this part, we can look at our answers

Some achievements have been made, and the maintenance of the projects created at the same time with us has basically stopped. We are just for learning, so the beta version is not urgent. Now the core group of 20 people is very active, the learning atmosphere in the group is strong, and TDD is discussed every day

Since we are a framework for learning, our beta will not be code only. We will use a tutorial with graphics and accompanying B site videos. This is the beta plan for Element3

Welcome developers to maintain element3 as a child, and let’s get started with these articles

  • 【 Element3 – Development Diary 】 Hand to hand teach you to rewrite the Button component
  • Vue3 Pit avoidance guide: Resolve logic inconsistency between Dev and Prod environments
  • Developing components with TDD — Notification (1)
  • Developing components with TDD — Notification (2)
  • To take down Vue3, you have to be ready for that
  • Element3 Development Insider – Vue CLI plug-in development
  • Element3.0 Upgrade Diary – TimeLine component
  • Write the Vue3 version of ElementUI with me

Element – plus to me

First of all, ElementPlus is a great framework from a code point of view, and I love it. If it had come out earlier, I probably wouldn’t have done Element3, but since it’s 1.9Kstar on Github, I will continue to maintain element3. Step out of your own style and values

I think the framework debate is really boring. The purpose of a framework is to make a good product and help developers develop better applications. However, Element-Plus is a bit strange

  1. Open source team members are always empty
    • Framework leaders are known for their anonymity, which isThe currencyand996.icuAnonymous is understandable, but why should a component library be so
    • Now the person in charge of the framework should be Zazzaz, and I didn’t know him in the community before. If possible, I will reply to him, so that people who use Plus have a sense of confidence
  2. In my mind, only inElemeFEThis is the official version of the organization
    • The rest are community versions, no more than county brigades, district squads or guerrillas
  3. Another possibility is that plus is made of trumpets
    • Then I ask for the developer, why use the trumpet, is there any legal risk
    • Element, after all, is ele. me’s corporate asset
    • If the sponsorship of Element-UI also goes to the Plus account, and the company’s assets are diverted for personal use, is it really not illegal? Is it a crime of stealing corporate assets
    • Is there any legal risk for developers to use your component library
  4. Plus is a very excellent component library with high code quality. If possible, I would like to invite the authors of ANTD-Vue and Plus together, so that we can have a live broadcast on B station, and explain to the whole community how to make Vue3 componentized, and help more teams to start Vue3

Future planning of Huaguo Mountain

By the way, our community team is called Huaguo Mountain, the Language Finches and Github are our gathering places, and we welcome interested people from the community to join us. Unlike other development teams, our vision is to make it easy for all front-end frameworks to get started. Element3 is just the first step

  1. While popular frameworks are poorly maintained, we help maintain Element3
  2. The documentation of the framework is not easy to get started, so we help record the video and prepare to wait for the VUE3 documentation to stabilize our recording
  3. The official tutorial of the framework is not updated, we help to update (ant. Desin official practical tutorial we are updating)

Although MY technical level is general, this is what I am interested in, and I will put my passion into it. I hope I can help more developers, and by the way, I can improve my influence and increase my followers. Welcome to join me, and study hard together

Finally, I will make an advertisement. I will also make a flag here. Although MY level is general, I am willing to spend time and energy to maintain element3, and I will continue to maintain element3

Thank you guys