Technology continues to evolve, with frameworks, libraries, build tools, packaging tools, version control tools, and more becoming easier to operate and use. In the face of such a situation, in addition to excitement, also need to be wary. The more convenient and simple these tools make development, the less valuable and competitive the developers themselves become. To stay competitive is to keep learning and improving. There are methods, purposeful learning, can progress faster, go farther.

1. Introduction

Thanks to the “golden three silver four”, I have interviewed some people recently, but few of them are qualified. As for the situation of the previous interview, before the development of the project, there is still a day or two of leisure time to complain. These situations, can be said to be some interview thunder point, there are not recommended learning methods, there are not recommended writing resume, for these, the following simple write down, published their own personal views, and everyone together.

When I look at the resume, although it is for the front-end industry, there are also a small part of reference and reference to the following ways.

How do other programmers read your resume

2. Too much emphasis on frameworks and libraries

This is probably the most common one. Why learn JavaScript when you have jquery? Now: React, Vue, why learn JavaScript. Many people learn popular frameworks and libraries without having mastered the native basics. It was like, I asked about the VUE framework, they could answer it, they could use it, they had project experience, they asked about some business needs, they could use VUE. But the native JS thing, asked the basic answer can not come out.

Although our company is also using VUE now, they are also competent to do projects for them. However, jquery or Vue is implemented with JS, not JS. It is difficult to learn jquery or Vue in the first place, and certainly not very in-depth in the second. In the future, when there are problems in the project, I don’t know how to solve them. Even if you use jquery or Vue, jquery or Vue is not a cure-all. If you encounter a need that jquery or Vue cannot solve, you will not be able to solve it. Another concern is that there will be times when the project doesn’t allow jquery or Vue or technology transitions, and the code won’t be written at all. At this point, if you learn another framework or library, is basically learning a new language.

See my interview question (the interview question written by myself, the answer thought by myself). One of the interviewees also asked me: the recruitment requirements of VUE, you are also using VUE development, why the interview questions are not a VUE topic, all native JS? It’s been a long time since I touched you. Faced with this question, I was also in a state of confusion at that time. After a while, I came to answer: We pay more attention to the basic, and with the original foundation, it is not difficult to get started with the framework.

This is not to say that popular frameworks and libraries don’t need to be learned, but it is recommended that you learn when you have a solid foundation. As for what is solid foundation, there is no unified answer and standard. As far as I’m concerned, at least the interview question can be answered before I feel I have passed the basic test. A lot of people encounter situations where it’s understandable that object oriented answers don’t work, that pre-parsing and object depth copy don’t work, that event delegate still doesn’t work, or that it really doesn’t work from a VUE perspective.

It has been said that learning framework goes better, learning foundation can go further. I reserve this point. In view of this situation, I think that learning framework, library or other tools with native JS foundation is icing on the cake, learning with poor native JS foundation is eager for quick results and instant benefits, and learning without native JS is excessive.

3. Too much dependence

It’s not just the candidates I meet who have this problem, it’s a lot of working developers. This problem is explained in the following three cases.

3-1. Just read without writing

First of all, a lot of people start learning by reading books and watching videos, which is a good thing. But the bad part is that many people don’t write the code in the process of watching the tutorial. They just watch it and forget about it! And some people think that if you read it, you’ve mastered it. I rely on those tutorials to improve myself, and I lack thinking.

In this case, I have suggested many times when writing articles, see the tutorial to follow the tutorial, follow the tutorial write. Otherwise you’ll forget most of the tutorial.

3-2. No extension

There is also a problem for those who study in universities or training classes. Most of the learning resources are limited in classes and they do not seek other resources. Knowledge points are also limited in the teacher’s explanation, and I did not explore or expand the relevant knowledge points.

For example, in class, the teacher talked about the event delegation, but due to the time, he only mentioned the time bubbling up without in-depth explanation. Many students did not go to the information, understand the bubbling event.

For example, the teacher told an example of using closures. Students who don’t know closures, a lot of them don’t look them up.

Face my questions – closures, inheritance, prototypes, etc. Some people even complained to me that the teacher didn’t tell us this at all in class. I was confused. Faced with this, I replied: generally speaking, the teacher will not talk about these, to rely on their own master. Lectures are usually not very detailed.

In view of such a situation, it is suggested that if you do not understand, you should consult information by yourself. You can’t rely on the teacher for everything, nor will the teacher teach everything. Learning lies in yourself, not in others.

3-3. Rely on your existing wheels

The main reason for this is that many developers don’t write their own handwriting even when they can handle simple requirements. Abuse plugins, or code that’s already on the web, or code written by colleagues. But I don’t know about those plug-ins and codes, and I don’t know about them in my spare time. In this case, the technical code written by others is very good, do not learn, how to know how good code?

4. The word ‘proficient’

This isn’t an interview surprise, just that the interviewer seems to be paying special attention to the “proficient” candidate.

I don’t have to tell you this, but two or four years ago, a lot of people put ‘proficient’ on their resumes, and for some reason, it was a penalty. Because as far as I know, there are only two types of people who dare to put ‘proficient’ on their resume: those who are awesome and those who think they are awesome.

For our company, it is just a start-up company, and the people who come to interview are basically at the same level as me. They have no experience in large factories, and the project is an ordinary company project. It is not large, but in terms of technology, it may be higher than me. So, if I see a resume with the word “proficient,” I will give it special treatment.

Proficient in ‘HTML + CSS’, ask for examples to illustrate the use of semantic tags. Have you developed complex animations using CSS3? CSS compilation what matters needing attention.

Proficient in ‘javascript’, ask the difference between procedural, object-oriented and functional programming? Have you written your own open source projects? Have you read the source code of jquery? When will closures be used on a project?

Therefore, the word ‘proficient’ should be used sparingly and may receive special treatment from the interviewer. Of course, write ‘proficient’ if you’re really good.

I’ve heard of an interview routine in which the interviewer asks questions he or she may not understand, in order to keep the salary and morale down. I agreed to this at the time, and I did this once when I was an interviewer. The purpose is to test whether the candidate is’ proficient ‘. But I do it to see if the candidate is really ‘proficient’.

5. Put imitation station projects in “Project Experience”

This problem, I did not come across, but in a chat known to others. At that time, he said it was the resume of an interviewer who had worked for two years. In the column of “project experience”, there were several imitation site projects, one imitation tmall home page, another imitation Zhihu several pages, and another one was a project of practical training in school (imitating the page style of, with background management system). I didn’t ask him what he did with the resume. But writing ‘project experience’ like this is really not recommended unless the project is actually live.

As for “project experience”, as far as I am concerned, if it is an intern who just came out to work or a fresh graduate, it is ok and normal to write like this. But after working for two years, I don’t understand. After all, candidates with work experience should include their own work development projects (preferably online, normal access) in the resume, even if the project is not independently developed by one person, many people collaboration, only developed part of the function.

Those imitation station, the website of the school practice training, is the role of practice for the interviewer, for others, at most is the role of a reference code. There’s no need to put that on your resume. It gives a bad impression.

6. Lying on your resume

Again, this is the question. This time I interviewed people who lied on their resumes. It looked like I had a good resume, a good tech stack, and a lot of project experience. But looking at the interview questions, I got almost all the answers wrong. Then ask the situation, ask a few questions, he has been unable to answer, this time to tell me frankly, he is just from a training institution in Beijing, just trained not long. So the technical proficiency, work experience, and project experience are all fake. After hearing this, I stopped asking him any questions and made small talk. Since I didn’t answer the previous question, I kind of know what level. What’s more, our company will hardly hire those who cheat!

Knowing his situation, I did not show any helplessness or anger, but treated him calmly. What follows is a rundown of some of my conversations with him (based on my own little memory, to the point of saying something like this).

Me: When you wrote your resume in this way, did you think about what it would be like to wear a gang and what the consequences would be? He: When we were in training, the teacher told us that we would not get an interview if we didn't write like this. Me: When you were writing, did you evaluate the probability of a bust? He: No. Me: I studied in the training institute, I believe you also know their various propaganda language. But you know why when they teach students to write resumes, they don't ask them to put their training experience on it? He: Write resume like this, because the job is not easy to find, find the salary is low, so write like this. I: the suggestion is to have what, write what, won't go to school, understand to write again. If you include everything you don't know and fake your work history, the interview can be awkward if you are asked relevant questions.Copy the code

There were two more words I wanted to say to him, but I swallowed them back. Now with everyone to encourage.

1. There are so many ways for companies to look at things on a resume! Education has a letter network check; Your work history will allow you to provide the number and references of your previous employer, which administration or hr will call to confirm. Or request to provide employment certificate and social security records; Technical words, the interview to ask a few questions basically know. And the cost of counterfeiting is very high, the technical requirements are very high. Diploma falsification, want to learn letter net black, let your diploma learn letter net can check; Technology can’t be faked. If it doesn’t, it won’t. Work experience fraud, you have to pay off more than one person, convenient after the company’s surprise investigation. Social Security is in the Social Security Administration’s database, and unless you’ve worked for three years, your company hasn’t paid for your social security. Even if, to say the least, let you in, in case of poor skills, not competent to work, then it will be more difficult to do.

2. As far as I am concerned, the resume should be beautified properly, exaggeration is understandable, but I am disgusted with the fake. Because I don’t know if there are other places you cheat? I wonder if you can fake your work?

Some people say that counterfeiting is unavoidable, that is not the case without work experience, we all have to fake? How do you convince the interviewer that you have to do this for your job and that you won’t cheat again? Even if the interviewer is really touched by the language, he will have scruples about you at work and will not believe you completely. In this case, everyone will feel bad, which is not good for everyone.

Some people say that counterfeiters, if technology can, should also be given a chance. In this case, there is no specific right or wrong criteria. It depends on how the company views counterfeiting. In response to this question, I also asked the boss: If there is a candidate whose skills meet the requirements, but his resume lies, will he still consider hiring? His idea is the same as mine — no consideration. He felt it was a matter of integrity, and I had my own concerns. Once a faker, it’s hard to convince people you won’t do it again. If hired, there will certainly be a problem of trust, so it is difficult to cooperate.

7. Summary

Well, about my interview encountered three more impressive situation, here. I personally feel that these three situations are not good, and I hope they can serve as a negative textbook for everyone to understand. In the front end of the technical circle, continuous learning is necessary, or technology can not keep up is eliminated, learning is also suggested to distinguish priorities, weight. For some issues that may involve the bottom line of morality, we can not ignore.

Recommended reading

What does a good programmer’s resume look like?

How to write a programmer resume?

About programmer job resume

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