Recently, many of my friends have gone to the mainstream large Internet companies for interviews (Alibaba, JINGdong, Meituan, Didi), and they will send me some interview questions after the interview. Some of my friends breezed through and got offers, but some came to ask me for answers.

I have specially sorted out many questions that can not be clearly explained by a few words, so I simply asked my friends to record some videos to answer these interview questions. In fact, the answer to many questions is very simple, but the thinking and logic behind it is not simple, it is necessary to know the why and why.

Let’s take a look at the interview material recorded on the phone:

First, Alibaba interview question

Two, jingdong interview questions

Three, the United States of America interview questions

Iv. Didi interview questions

According to the interview questions, it can be seen that the current Internet company interview points are:

1. Performance tuning, algorithm data mechanism

2. Data security under high concurrency, interface idempotence, atomicity, etc

3. Collaborative and locked processing in distributed mode

4. Vertical split between sub-database sub-tables and projects

Technical points with high frequency are:






6.http tcp/ip

Sixth, to clarify your doubts

The answers to these questions have been recorded in a short video

In the face of so many technical points, I also arranged a learning outline for everyone. I hope we can make progress together and become an architect to marry Bai Fumei as soon as possible.

HashMap, Nginx, Dubbo, Spring MVC, Distributed, high performance, High availability, Redis, JVM, multithreading, Netty, Kafka, etc