Question 1: The purpose of the introduction of the previous business process: whether the communication/communication is barrier-free, whether they can summarize/summarize their own business, whether they understand what they do.

Question 2: What is the purpose of my role in the whole team? Do I have a sense of management and can I cooperate with others quickly

Purpose: If you do not know the frequently used shortcut keys, the upper limit of the opponent can be estimated.

Q4: if you have used java8 before, you need to communicate the purpose of Lamdba usage. Are you really accepting new technical knowledge

Problem five: Java and the simple introduction of contracting out the objective: fundamentals, principle may not know, but the basic object atomInteger/executor/lock/CountDownLatch/CyclicBarrier/Semaphore, need to know. If you don’t know, how can you use it?

Question 6: What is the Collections class useful for? What are the common methods? Purpose: To emphasize: Collections are not collections. Basic, if you don’t know the methods of the tool class, how can you use them?

Q7: What are the purposes of the collections like utility classes? Judging knowledge area

Question 8: What annotations are available in Spring? Objective: To judge the knowledge area

Why annotation works in Spring Purpose: Spring basic judgment

There are many bean extension mechanisms in Spring: InitMethod, for example, can be called when the bean is initialized

Q11: Difference between RequeiRed and Required_New in Spring transactions purpose: Spring basics

What is SQL injection? Purpose: General need to know

Q13: What is the default data type when enum is mapped to data? Purpose: Determine if any code has been written. No one who didn’t write code got it right

Q14: What is the purpose of the Corresponding Java object when a field in the database holds a value of 0.00001: to elicit BigDecimal

Purpose: Understand why BigDecimal is used and the control of precision.

Question 16: New BigDecimal (” 0 “) New BigDecimal (” 0.00 “) equals return value

Question 17: Basic SQL writing ability communication purpose: SQL usage

Select * from person (id/name/age/city); select * from person (id/name/age/city)

Question 19: What information can be configured in Server. XML in Tomcat Purpose: Advanced engineers need to know more about it

Q20: Meaning and usage examples of pipes in Linux. Objective: To judge the basic skills of Linux

Question 21: permission control in Linux, what does it mean if a file has 416 permissions? Purpose: Linux basics

Question 22: How do two Linux machines transfer files to each other? Purpose: Linux file transfer

Q23: Why can’t you restart an application using the kill -9 command