1. Head configuration and its meaning


  1. Flex Layout Properties
  2. Range of new features
  3. animation
  4. Common complex layout, picture waterfall flow
  5. Understanding the “Flow” of CSS
  6. CSS properties
  7. CSS Basics
  8. BFC


  1. Commonly used API
  2. Macro and micro tasks
  3. Object and class
  4. Closure, execute stack
  5. Necessary algorithms
  6. ES new features
  7. Front-end modular CommonJS, AMD, CMD, ES6 module loading
  8. Common design patterns
  9. “Question of the Day” in front-end Daqo
  10. If the throttle
  11. AST, CST
  12. Cross-domain solutions
  13. Call, apply, bind handwriting implementation
  14. Promise handwritten
  15. Throttling/anti-shake implementation
  16. Authentication implementation, JWT, SSO, etc
  17. Common front-end encryption algorithms
  18. Event loop mechanism
  19. Commonly used regular judgment
  20. Js compression, obfuscation, and encryption
  21. 1 to 1.9999999 1.2%
  22. The concept of class, understand, use
  23. Bind listening events, parentheses and no parentheses, parentheses have parameter differences
  24. Type determination and deep copy
  25. About front-end modular CommonJS, AMD, CMD, ES6 module loading


  1. The interview questions
  2. Vue source code implementation (template language parsing, data bidirectional binding, component concept)
  3. Vue – the realization of the router
  4. The realization of the vue – axios
  5. Componentized thinking
  6. vue3
  7. NPM common commands, vue-cli, webpack
  8. Package. json Configuration meaning
  9. Vue is a common API
  10. vue-property-decorator
  11. The life cycle
  12. vite
  13. The difference between vue diff and React diff
  14. Vue3 source and vue2 source
  15. Component communication
  16. decorator
  17. .sync This.$emit(‘update:XXXX ‘, I);
  18. Custom instruction
  19. The underlying logic of this.$nextTick()
  20. The principle of slot.
  21. Vue decorator
  22. Render’s model, attrs, props, staticClass


  1. Introduction to typeScript
  2. Learn how to use typeScript in practice with Simple-HTTP


  1. HTTP sense
  2. HTTP stomp records

Micro front-end

  1. Micro front end scheme and realization principle


  1. Understanding common frameworks for visualization
  2. Echarts sample implementation

The mobile terminal

  1. Faqs on mobile (1px, responsive layout)
  2. Interaction between mobile terminal and native
  3. Skeleton screen


  1. Common Node Functions


  1. React: Learn how to react.

Small program

  1. Introduction to small programs

The browser

  1. Browser rendering principles/processes
  2. Front-end performance optimization
  3. WEB security

4. Browser TAB communication


  1. Differences between Git and SVN
  2. sourceMap
  3. A comparison of the new generation of front-end build tools
  4. NPM common commands
  5. Use of the Monaco editor

New industry technology

  1. Understand can say
  2. vite
  3. uniapp


  1. Company project deployment operation and maintenance architecture
  2. Master necessary operation and maintenance skills