Java has been the king of programming languages for decades. The naysayers believe that the Java industry will be saturated in the future as the number of Java developers grows. Is that really the case? Let’s take a closer look

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Java has been on a roller-coaster ride for 22 years since its first release in 1996, so what is it about the Java language that makes it to the top of the list?

<1> of course, it has something to do with her 10 language advantages.

<2>Java has strong competitiveness in several areas, such as server-side programming, high performance network applications, enterprise software transaction processing, distributed computing, Android mobile terminal application development and so on.

< 3 > can meet the demand of engineering, we know that modern is the collaborative development of software, then the code maintainability, compile-time checks, efficient operation efficiency, cross-platform ability, rich IDE, test, and project management tools, makes the Java enterprise software company’s first choice, also get the favour of many Internet companies.

So overall, the Java language is the best in terms of versatility.

A few trends tell you whether the hot Java industry is saturated or not?

Current situation and prospect analysis of Java industry

Now, the Java language has been popular for more than 20 years, so, in this rapidly changing era of mobile Internet, will it continue to lead the development world? Really like some people said will be saturated and brilliant no longer?

The prospects of The Java industry are mainly from the perspective of the application field of Java. The application direction of The Java language is mainly shown in the following three aspects:

Firstly, enterprise-level applications (mainly referring to the complex software system of large enterprises), various types of websites,Java’s security mechanism and its cross-platform advantages make it widely used in the field of distributed system development. Secondly, desktop applications are often said C/S applications, mainly used to develop desktop applications running on different operating systems; Thirdly, mobile applications, mainly in the consumer and embedded fields, refer to applications on various small devices, including mobile phones, PDAs, set-top boxes, automobile communication equipment, etc.

In the future, Java Internet +, Java+ big data, Java+ artificial intelligence, Java+ Internet of Things, Java+ intelligent medical, Java+ intelligent finance and other fields of science and technology has unlimited potential. National policies support the fastest growth of Java market demand

In recent years, China’s informatization has developed rapidly. Software engineering is one of the fastest developing disciplines in the field of computer. The country attaches great importance to the development of software industry. The training of software engineers has given a very preferential policy. The demand for Java engineers accounts for 60~70% of the total demand in all software development talents. It should be said that the employment prospects of Java software engineers are very good.

In addition, Java software engineers are not only needed by IT professional enterprises, but also by non-IT enterprises, so the prospect is very optimistic. At present, the demand for software talents in China has reached 200,000 and is growing at about 20% per year. In the next five years, the demand for qualified software talents will far exceed the supply.

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