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Source: Sohu

How many of you still remember the video that went viral on Weibo last year: Someone replaced Huang Rong, played by Zhu Yin in Legend of the Conscript Heroes, with Yang Mi. The face of Huang Rong was completely invisible, with clear contours and natural expressions, and you couldn’t tell it had been changed.

In recent days, Internet giants such as Twitter and Facebook said they would crack down on fake videos such as AI face-swapping. Such as a “false” warning label for any photos and videos that are “clearly and fraudulently edited or fabricated.” The move comes after Youtube, which is owned by Alphant, earlier said it would remove any content that had been technically altered and could pose a “risk of serious harm.”

In the past two years, AI face-swapping technology has become very popular in China, but also triggered privacy panic among the public. In particular, the use of face recognition technology by alipay and other software has made people re-examine the threat of AI face-swapping technology.

AI face in full swing

AI face-changing technology is not new. In late 2017, Deepfake was introduced in China. The software can replace a person’s face in a video or photo with any person’s face you want to replace, to the point of being completely authentic.

That’s how scarlett Johansson became a porn heroine.

Scarlett johansson | photo source: baidu

Similarly, on P site, which has a wide range of male fans, AI face-changing has already “played” all the major female stars, and, according to statistics, scarlett is the most relevant works on P site. Bloggers have also started to appear on some websites to “adapt” movies and TV shows by changing their faces with AI.

And this evil wind also blew to the domestic, in addition to malicious brush a flow of “Zhu Yin Yang Mi” and “Xu Jinjiang versus Thanos”, “Hongshixian for face Ailey”, almost all the classic film and television scenes were AI for face to play again, these videos are widely spread in B station, the broadcast volume is amazing.

The app “ZAO”, which produces the video of AI changing face, has also gone viral on Wechat. In the past, it was usually just some video lovers who mastered the relevant operation skills and then made the video face changing, and then released it for everyone to watch. However, the production process of these videos is usually tedious and complicated, which is a time-consuming and laborious work for ordinary users.

ZAO, on the other hand, is easy to use. Users don’t need programming, data sets, AI knowledge, or even a computer. All they need is a phone and a selfie.

The unprecedented sense of participation, experience and interactivity brought by AI face change is extremely attractive to users. After all, they can put their own face into the film and television works and have a “counterplay” with their idols, which is enough to make many star-chasing girls excited to scream. Even if it is fake, there is also a full sense of stimulation.

The appearance of face-changing videos, ZAO and other software makes the AI face-changing technology known to the general public. While ordinary people use it to satisfy their curiosity and novelty, many people see “business opportunities” from it. With this technology, some illegal activities have been increased, and people have become suspicious of the technology.

AI face change accompanies the black industry

As far as we can remember, AI face-changing technology hasn’t “done” any real good since its inception. For example, Deepfake, most of its fake videos have been used in the porn industry… In addition to the actress Scarlett Johansson whose face was changed by AI and put into pornography, more and more female stars’ faces are abused by individuals and websites through AI technology.

A reporter, in face of Dillon hot bar, liyan tong, tiffany tang | photo source: sohu entertainment

Privacy has become almost impossible in a world of mobile smart products. According to the investigation, the black industry brought by AI face-changing has formed a complete industrial chain, from pornography at the lowest level, customized videos at the middle level, and software and tutorials at the upper level.

It costs four yuan for 15 movies or less, three yuan for more, and 68 yuan for 80 movies. “Customized ‘face-changing’ video costs 50 yuan per minute, 95 yuan for 2 minutes, 135 yuan for 3 minutes, and the customization starts from 3 minutes…” This kind of “advertising language” is put on many websites. Although it is almost difficult to find merchants of this kind of video on taobao, Xianyu and other platforms, they can make a lot of money by using various websites to divert to wechat, QQ and other social software for transactions.

It’s scary that anyone could be the subject of scantily clad porn thanks to technology, but at the moment, these dark industries are thriving to an unimaginable degree.

Even after AI face changing, some people still can not satisfy the psychological stimulation, and the application of AI stripping began to appear. Deepnude, also developed by a foreign team, allows users to upload a photo of a woman and ‘undress’ it until they can see the body.

Deepnude can only be stripped in one-click photos of women, and there have been numerous nude photos of female celebrities on the Internet, including Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian. The app was taken down immediately after it received widespread attention, but imagine how many ordinary women would be affected if the technology were widespread and poorly controlled. And the combination of AI face-changing and AI stripping technology, the harm to women is even more difficult to imagine.

Entertainment is risky, so be careful about changing your face

Living in an era of rapid development of Internet technology and explosion of information, ordinary people have no more right to be “sensitive” about their privacy, unless you give up the use of technology. How many people shout about privacy protection and data security, but the body honestly uses it, like the Internet’s thirst for data, in this context, is indisputable and understandable.

But is there nothing the law can do about it?

Scarlett Johansson gave her angry views on Deepfakes in an interview with The Washington Post. “Every country has its own laws, and even if you own the copyright of your image, it doesn’t apply in other countries,” she said. “She and her team are helpless in the face of ai-for-face porn flooding the Internet.”

And it’s not just celebrities who have been swapped for their faces. The entertainment has even included US President Donald Trump, who was once swapped with actor Nicolas Cage.

The Facebook staff also held a fake press conference to warn the public. They talked with Trump via video link after the AI changed his face. No one would have doubted the authenticity of the video if they had not known it was fake in advance.

If the technology were used for crimes such as political threats and extortion, how much of a panic would it cause? So regulation of the technology seems imminent. Internet giants such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are taking action.

The original discussion board on Reddit will be deleted entirely. The hashtag SFW (Safe for Work) must be added to deepfake related discussion boards.

Among them, P station is the most ruthless rectification, compared with other platforms to retain some harmless content, P station directly to the AI face-changing related content permanently blocked.

Photo source: bilibili

The chairman of the Us House Of Representatives Select Intelligence Committee also publicly said at the hearing that social media should immediately put in place measures to protect users from being lured by false information.

The Pentagon has invested tens of millions of dollars in detecting face-swapping videos, and a number of companies have sprung up in the United States to verify the authenticity of the videos, but these efforts have barely made a dent in the epidemic of face-swapping fakes.

The move comes after the US state of California signed two new laws on Deepfake. The first is a two-month ban on faceswapping videos using a candidate’s image during a future presidential campaign, and the ability of any candidate to claim compensation if they believe deepfake technology has created a video.

Another stipulates that any California resident who finds his or her likeness used in deepfake technology for pornography can Sue.

In face of the video at home, for AI is relatively backward, the details of the related laws regulations are not specific to this aspect of the special legislation, but also can from the legal provisions of some of the biggest constraints, such as without his uniform and unauthorized use of others’ photos, video AI in the behavior of the face, there may infringe others’ rights, reputation, It could even be a criminal offence.

In March 2017, the relevant content of personal information protection was also written into the general provisions of China’s Civil Law. In June of the same year, the Network Security Law of the People’s Republic of China was implemented, including the protection of personal information. The Supreme People’s Law and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate also issued interpretations on several issues concerning the application of the law on personal information of citizens.

Source: Sohu

AI face-changing technology is still in its early stages, but the impact is there for all to see, and the potential for development is unpredictable. In the face of the emergence and popularization of a new technology, legal measures should also be used to avoid the risks of technology. As Justice David Hamilton said, the law must be committed to the life of a society increasingly driven by technology and technological progress.

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