Even in the midst of a market downturn in which shipments are falling, innovative phone makers are not going to miss this opportunity, and full-screen phones are the ones known to drive consumer enthusiasm the most. The upcoming OPPO R15 takes advantage of the profiled full screen. In a market full of strong competitors, the OPPO R15 was able to successfully attract users’ attention in an era of all-out screen warfare.

So what exactly is the OPPO R15’s alien screen?

Soft and hard OPPO R15

As of now, the OPPO R15 has a 6.28-inch ultra field-of-view full screen and a 19:9 aspect ratio, which is 90% of the screen. Compared with the conventional 18:9 full-screen mobile phone, OPPO R15 has its own way of thinking in the aspect of mobile phone appearance design, and also has a relatively leading full-screen technology.

On the other hand, users have a growing appetite for full-screen phones. In terms of full-screen phones that have been launched on the market, users will form a psychological ranking in constant comparison. So OPPO needs something new to impress increasingly discerning consumers.

In addition to the newly designed irregular screen, OPPO R15 also completed full-screen adaptation for mainstream applications such as Toutiao, netease News, Douyin and Sina Weibo. In addition, the OPPO R15 has optimized the experience of full-screen multi-tasking. For example, when used in landscape mode, the OPPO R15 concave area displays three common apps and three common operations. When using two applications, one application can be suspended on top of the other, without switching applications, to ensure that any operation of the user can not conflict with the special-shaped screen.

The iphoneX has previously been subjected to a wave of “bangs” from users, despite its impressive appearance. The reason, again, is that it’s too fast on the alien screen, but apps aren’t ready for it.

This is why OPPO R15 should be prepared in advance. If there are adaptation issues and experience issues after release, the experience of the special screen will be greatly reduced.

The irregular screen and various software adaptations around it are more like a bold attempt at OPPO R15, but what does it say about OPPO’s thinking about mobile forms? The market is fickle, and in the smartphone era, future-thinking is essential to stay relevant. For OPPO, the increasing screen ratio is a reflection of the company’s obsession with perfect screens, otherwise OPPO wouldn’t have been able to get into the game.

From the 85% screen ratio of THE R11s to the 90% screen ratio of the OPPO R15, OPPO’s pursuit of full screen has to face two difficulties. One is how to increase the screen ratio without affecting the user experience, and the other is how to break through the technical ceiling. Compared to similar products on the market, the OPPO R15 is the first to adopt the ultra vision full screen design, which is probably the best full screen design yet.

An excellent mobile phone manufacturer must not only rely on a mobile phone advantage to please consumers, that is in vain. We’ve seen massive phone problems of one kind or another in the past, and quite a few of them are software flaws in addition to hardware problems.

For example, if a user is “detested” by a mobile phone in a routine way, the average user will be even more upset because the phone is a durable product, not a FMCG product. OPPO R15 is based on this basic principle to make adaptive optimization for user scenarios such as landscape and full screen. In other words, a good software experience is essential for the OPPO screen to work well.

Advance the layout of patents to seize the future full screen market discourse

Similarly, a good mobile phone is bound to lead the development of the trend, and a brand that can survive for a long time is bound to be inseparable from the exploration of the future. Nokia’s rise and fall has taught many that it is possible to follow The Times and fall behind, and it is safest to stay ahead of the trend. Today, OPPO R15’s innovation and trend leading must be supported by OPPO’s thinking and prediction of the future market.

Just as Samsung patented the circular Home button and Meizu registered the trademark of “side fingerprint”, OPPO applied for the patent of the irregular screen in January 2017, and was granted the patent in September, which obviously paved the way for the development of future products.

It is worth noting that OPPO’s patent layout is also moving towards matrix. In addition to OPPO R15, which is a special screen patent, in 2016, OPPO applied for a more extreme special screen with holes in the screen, which accounts for nearly 100% of the screen. In addition, OPPO also applied for rotating, pop-up camera and other related comprehensive screen patents, which are almost full screen.

Underlying the patents are OPPO’s commercial ambitions. OPPO R15 is the result of the successful commercialization of OPPO patent reserve, so in the future, there is very reasonable evidence that OPPO is keen on full screen patent layout in advance.

Why does OPPO care so much about patents? The most plausible explanation may be that OPPO has already predicted the popularity of mobile phones. As we know, mobile phone patents are very important, not only because patents represent innovation and application achievements, but also because patents are an important source of profits. Therefore, OPPO’s preemptive move is to seek a voice in the future of the all-screen mobile phone market.

Comprehensive screen era, users need to carry the banner

Technology knows no boundaries. Cell phones know no boundaries. But in a crowded mobile market, consumers want something that looks good and works. Such a request is neither simple nor simple. Simple because some users’ needs are easy to meet, not simple because some mobile phone fans are very perfect in their pursuit of mobile phones.

But critical consumers aside, there is no perfect product for technical reasons, cost reasons or other reasons. But near perfection is not impossible, it’s just that there are so few of them that they match the number at the top of the pyramid.

For full-screen phones, good looks come from the integration of the screen and the overall design of the phone, while usability comes from software optimization. OPPO R15 is just around the corner, and may meet users’ demands for a good looking and easy to use phone. At least for now, the dual experience of vision and operation brought by the perfect match and optimization of its special-shaped screen will be a stunning point to move consumers. Moreover, this design adds value to the user experience, which is OPPO’s primary concern.

For OPPO, the greatest significance of the launch of OPPO R15 may be that, in the face of numerous challenges posed by the special-shaped screen, OPPO completed the maximum control of the special-shaped screen through optimization and independent design, thus achieving a relatively ideal state. Based on the current situation of the entire market, the emergence of OPPO R15 may also show that the special-shaped screen is the best choice in the current commercial comprehensive screen.

We believe that in the era of full screen, with user recognition, product innovation, innovation and vision, OPPO may be able to carry a banner and lead users to the ultimate goal of full screen.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110