This is the 8th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August


Note: According to my daily work experience, the order is the order that we need to pay attention to the modification. Be sure to restart IntelliJ IDEA after each modification for the configuration to take effect.

Modify the vm output options of Tomcat Server for the current Web project

Top navigation bar “Run→Edit Configurations… Go to the configuration page and modify the VM output options of the Tomcat Server in the current Web project VM Options. Add -dfile. encoding=UTF-8. Run the program after reboot to check the console information. If this does not work, perform the following steps.

2. Modify IntelliJ IDEA global coding, project coding and attribute file coding

In the upper navigation bar, File→Settings… Go to the configuration page, slide down to File Encodings in Editor, Set Global Encoding, Project Encoding, and Default Encoding for Properties Files to UTF-8 respectively. Run the program after reboot to check the console information. If this does not work, perform the following steps.

3. Customize VM options in IntelliJ IDEA

Help→Etit Custom VM Options… The customize VM options page is displayed.

Add -dfile. encoding=UTF-8 to the end of idea64.exe.vmoptions. After the restart, run the program to check the console information, usually at this stage the problem is resolved, of course, if it does not work please perform the following super step.

4. Modify the encoding information of the IntelliJ IDEA configuration file directly

Open IntelliJ IDEA in the local installation directory, find the following two files, use Notepad to open, add -dfile. encoding=UTF-8 in the last line. Run the program to check console information after reboot, problem solved!

5. Modify the code successfully

We can completely modify the console Chinese garbled code problem we encountered in IntelliJ IDEA through the above four ways. We hope that after reading this post, if it is helpful to you, please leave a message at the bottom of this post to give more people help.


I am White Deer, a tireless programmer ape. Hope this article can be beneficial to you, welcome everyone’s one key three even! If you have any other questions, suggestions or additions, please leave a comment at the bottom of this article. Thank you for your support!