
  1. Ctrl+Shift + Enter, statement complete
  2. “!” Press “! “when entering the expression. key
  3. Ctrl+E, the most recent file
  4. Ctrl+Shift+E, the most recently changed file
  5. Shift+Click to close the file
  6. Ctrl+[OR] to run to the beginning and end of the braces
  7. Ctrl+F12 to display the structure of the current file
  8. Ctrl+F7 to query for references to the current element in the current file, then press F3 to select
  9. Ctrl+N to quickly open the class
  10. Ctrl+Shift+N to quickly open the file
  11. Alt+Q, you can see the declaration of the current method
  12. Ctrl+P to display parameter information
  13. Ctrl+Shift+Insert to select clipboard contents and Insert
  14. Alt+Insert can generate constructors/getters/setters, etc
  15. Ctrl+Alt+V to introduce variables. For example: new String(); Automatically import variable definitions
  16. Ctrl+Alt+T, you can wrap code in a block, such as try/catch
  17. Ctrl+Enter, import package, automatic correction
  18. Ctrl+Alt+L, format the code
  19. Ctrl+Alt+I to automatically indent the selected code, which also works when editing JSP files
  20. Ctrl+Alt+O to optimize the imported classes and packages
  21. Ctrl+R, replace the text
  22. Ctrl+F, find the text
  23. Ctrl+Shift+Space to automatically complete the code
  24. Ctrl+ space, code prompt (conflict with system input method shortcut key)
  25. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N to find a method or variable in a class
  26. Alt+Shift+C, most recent change
  27. Alt+Shift+Up/Down, Up/Down one line
  28. Shift+F6, refactoring – rename
  29. Ctrl+X, delete the row
  30. Ctrl+D, copy the line
  31. Ctrl+/ or Ctrl+Shift+/, comment (// or /**/)
  32. Ctrl+J, automatic code (e.g. Serr)
  33. Ctrl+Alt+J, circled with the dynamic template
  34. Ctrl+H, show the class structure diagram (class inheritance hierarchy)
  35. Ctrl+Q displays the comment document
  36. Alt+F1, find where the code is
  37. Alt+1 to quickly open or hide the engineering panel
  38. Ctrl+Alt+left/right to return to the previous browsing location
  39. Alt+left/right, toggle code view
  40. Alt+Up/Down to move quickly between methods
  41. Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down to move statements Up/Down
  42. F2 or Shift+F2, highlighting errors or warnings for quick location
  43. Tab, code label After entering, press Tab to generate the code
  44. Ctrl+Shift+F7 highlight all the text and press Esc to highlight and disappear
  45. Alt+F3, scroll down the same text one by one and highlight it
  46. Ctrl+Up/Down to move the cursor to the first or last line
  47. Ctrl+B/Ctrl+Click to quickly open a class or method at the cursor (jump to definition)
  48. Ctrl+Alt+B, jump to method implementation
  49. Ctrl+Shift+Backspace to jump to the last edit
  50. Ctrl+O, override method
  51. Ctrl+Alt+Space, class name completed automatically
  52. Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down to jump to search results quickly
  53. Ctrl+Shift+J, merge two lines
  54. Alt+F8, calculate the variable value
  55. Ctrl+Shift+V to insert the recently used clipboard selection into the text
  56. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V, simple paste
  57. Shift+Esc not only shifts focus to the editor, but also hides the current (or last active) tool window
  58. F12, move the focus from the editor to the most recently used tool window
  59. Shift+F1 opens the browser for the class or method Java document used at the cursor character in the editor
  60. Ctrl+W to select word, statement, line, and function
  61. Ctrl+Shift+W to deselect the word where the cursor is
  62. Alt+F7 to find the location of a class, method, or variable used throughout the project
  63. Ctrl+I, implementation method
  64. Ctrl+Shift+U, case conversion
  65. Ctrl+Y to delete the current line
  66. Shift+Enter inserts a new row down
  67. PSVM/sout, main/System. Out. The println (); Ctrl+J to see more
  68. Ctrl+Shift+F, global search
  69. Ctrl+F, find /Shift+F3, find up /F3, find down
  70. Ctrl+Shift+S, Advanced search
  71. Ctrl+U, go to the parent class
  72. Ctrl+Alt+S opens the Settings dialog box
  73. Alt+Shift+Inert, turn on/off column selection mode
  74. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S opens the current project/module properties
  75. Ctrl+G, position the row
  76. Alt+Home to jump to the navigation bar
  77. Ctrl+Enter, insert a line up
  78. Ctrl+Backspace, press word delete
  79. Ctrl+”+/-” to expand and collapse the current method
  80. Ctrl+Shift+”+/-

[Debugging part, compilation]

  1. Ctrl + F2, stop
  2. Alt+Shift+F9, select Debug
  3. Alt+Shift+F10, select Run
  4. Ctrl + Shift + F9, compile
  5. Ctrl + Shift + F10, run
  6. Ctrl+Shift+F8 to view breakpoints
  7. F8, step
  8. F7, enter
  9. Shift+F7, smart step in
  10. Shift + F8, step out
  11. Alt+Shift+F8 to force the step
  12. Alt+Shift+F7, force in
  13. Alt+F9, run to the cursor
  14. Ctrl+Alt+F9 to force it to the cursor
  15. F9, recovery procedure
  16. Alt+F10, locate the breakpoint
  17. Ctrl+F8 toggles line breakpoints
  18. Ctrl+F9, generate project
  19. Alt + 1, the project
  20. Alt + 2, collection
  21. Alt + 6, TODO
  22. Alt + 7, structure
  23. Ctrl+Shift+C, copy the path
  24. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C, copy the reference, you must select the class name
  25. Ctrl + Alt + Y, synchronization
  26. Ctrl+~, fast switching scheme (interface appearance, code style, shortcut key mapping and other menus)
  27. Shift+F12, restore the default layout
  28. Ctrl+Shift+F12 to hide/Restore all Windows
  29. Ctrl + F4, shut down
  30. Ctrl+Shift+F4 to close the active TAB
  31. Ctrl+Tab, go to the next splitter
  32. Ctrl+Shift+Tab to go to the previous splitter


  1. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T brings up the Refactor menu
  2. Shift+F6, rename it
  3. F6, mobile
  4. F5, copy
  5. Alt+Delete, safely Delete
  6. Ctrl + Alt + N, inline

【 looking for 】

  1. Ctrl + F, lookup
  2. Ctrl + R, replacement
  3. F3, look for the next one
  4. Shift+F3, find the previous one
  5. Ctrl+Shift+F, find in the path
  6. Ctrl+Shift+R, replace in path
  7. Ctrl+Shift+S, search for structures
  8. Ctrl+Shift+M, replace structure
  9. Alt+F7, find out how to use it
  10. Ctrl+Alt+F7 to display the usage
  11. Ctrl+F7 to find the usage in the file
  12. Ctrl+Shift+F7 to highlight the usage in the file

【 VCS 】

  1. Alt+~, VCS operation menu
  2. Ctrl+K, commit the changes
  3. Ctrl+T, update the project
  4. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D to display the changes