After Intellij Idea is installed, perform the following initialization operations to improve work efficiency by ten times.

Install plug-ins

1. Key Promoter X Shortcut key prompt plug-in

Every time will be in the lower right corner pop-up prompts, help us quickly familiar with the shortcut keys.

2. CodeGlance Display code thumbnail plug-in

When a lot of code, easy to view, very useful.

3. Lombok Simplify bloat plug-ins

The get/set/ construct /toString/hashCode methods in the entity class don’t need to be written manually anymore

4. Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines Alibaba code specification check plugin

It will help us check the code according to the specification in Ali Java development manual, and then show the code in different colors. When you put the mouse on it, you will see the prompt content to help us write more standard code.

5. CamelCase Hump naming and underline naming conversion

Registering these styles with the shortcut keys to + ⌥ + U/Shift + Alt + U will be more convenient when registering a large number of variable names.

6. MybatisX Operate Mybatis plug-in efficiently

7. SonarLint Code quality check plug-ins

It tells me not to use System.out output, but logger output, and so on, to help improve the quality of the code.

8. Save Actions Formatting code plug-in

It can help us to optimize the package import, automatically add final modifier to unmodified variables, and automatically add this keyword when calling methods, so that our code is more standardized and unified.

9. CheckStyle Code style checking plug-ins

Function similar to Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

10. Grep Console Custom console output format plug-in

11. MetricsReloaded Check the plug-in for code complexity

12. Statistic Code statistics plug-in

2. Custom create live Template, write code quickly

As long as the input apr, can automatically prompt, and generateAutowiredThe statement. You can customize some code templates according to your own code habits to help us write code quickly.

Modify global configuration to improve work efficiency

1. Optimize guide configuration

2. Disable the single-line TAB page

Multiple lines display more files for easy viewing.

3. Double slash comment to follow the port

4. Select the whole row to copy

Instead of copying the code you selected, you can copy the entire line, whether you selected it or not.

5. Cancel the case match

Deselect it and enter lowercasesCan also indicateString

6. Optimized the color display of the catalog in version control

7. When creating a file, the author and time information are automatically generated