The opening

As mentioned in the previous article, if kotlin’s parameter is not? It defaults to not null. This is a little bit useful when kotlin is compiling. Let’s take Java ints and integers for example. Integer is a wrapper type for int, which is more wasteful than int. As a good coder, you’ll want to use int instead of Integer if the scope allows.


So let’s look at two approaches

fun myList(vararg inner: Int) {
fun myList2(vararg inner2: Int?) {
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The only difference between these two methods is do you have an Int after it? Number. Let’s look at the important parts of the decompiled code first

public final class VarargThinkKt { public static final void myList(@NotNull int... inner) { //..... } public static final void myList2(@NotNull Integer... inner2) { //..... }}Copy the code

Look carefully at the signature of the parameter

  • myListisint... inner
  • myList2isInteger ... inner2

    You can think about itkotlinWhy does the compiler compile like this?

    Actually, the root cause is?, can be empty.

    kotlinWhen the compiler thinks the parameter cannot be empty, it can use notpackagingTo accept parameters and make more rational use of resources.

Death peeled cocoon

Let’s see how it works by example, okay

fun myList(vararg inner: Int) { println(inner.size) } fun myList2(vararg inner2: Int?) Println (inner2.size)} fun main() {val intArrayOf = intArrayOf(1, 3, 4) null) myList(*intArrayOf) myList(1, 2, 3) myList2(*array) myList2(1, 2, 3) }Copy the code

The above code needs to be noted:

  • statementIntAn array of type,kotinTwo methods are provided, one isintArrayOf(), one isarrayOf();
  • intArrayOfStress isint, similar to Javaint[], so the parameter cannot benull
  • arrayOfSimilar to JavaInteger[], so you can assign to itnull
  • kotlinAn array cannot be assigned directly to a morphable parametervararg, you need to pass the keyword*
  • Reflect on that when we createarrayIf you don’t need tonullAre you usingintArrayBetter?

Touch type plate

There is intArrayOf, so there should be longArrayOf and there is a similar design under Java8 Stream, let’s look at this thing

public interface IntConsumer {
    void accept(int value);
public interface IntFunction<R> {
    R apply(int value);
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In fact, the above ideas are the same, the code is optimal.

Kotlin null or empty

Error will not even compile

For example:

val grantResults: IntArray? = null println("${grantResults? .size} ${grantResults? .isempty ()}") outputs: null nullCopy the code
var s: String? = "" var str: String = s ? : "bb" println("str:$str") println("str:${s? .length ? : "bb"}") output: STR: STR :0Copy the code
var s: String? = null var str: String = s ? : "bb" println("str:$str") println("str:${s? .length ? : "bb"}") STR :bb STR :bbCopy the code
var s: String? = "" var str: String = if (s.isNullOrEmpty()) "bb" else s println("str:$str") println("str:${s? .length ? : "bb"}") output: STR :bb STR :0Copy the code
var s: String? = null
var str: String = if (s.isNullOrEmpty()) "bb" else s
println("str:${s?.length ?: "bb"}")
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