1. Go to the react-devTools website

  2. Switch to the V3 branch and click download ZIP

  1. Unzip the package and open it with an editor. Here I’m using vscode and run NPM I to install the dependencies

  2. After the installation is successful, go to Shells /chorme and run Node build.js

  1. After a successful run, you will find an additional unpacked folder

  1. Open Google Browser → Settings → Extensions, open Developer mode, click Load the Extension, and select the unpacked folder you just generated. When you’re sure, you’ll find React Developer Tools installed successfully!

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘forEach’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘forEach’)

Error message at Object.. / node_modules / @ PMMMWH/react – refresh – webpack – the plugin/client/ReactRefreshEntry js open the corresponding files in the project, comments on the eighth line of code, restart the project, found the page shows normal. (Search engines mostly find React Devtools closed directly, but this doesn’t solve the underlying problem)