Since Linux has not had a good built-in Chinese input method, the blogger plans to install a third-party input method called Sogou input method. Here, we provide two methods, bloggers have tried, so let’s get started: (the machine is Ubuntu14.04) The first method: 1. Go to the official website to download sogou input method for Linux, according to the machine itself choose which download:

The second method: 1. First install FCITX (Free Chinese Input Toy for X), which is an Input method framework released by GPL. Its purpose is to provide a flexible Input scheme for desktop environment. Completely solve the problem of not having a good Chinese input method under GNU/Linux. Fcitx is mostly manual, but it also provides a graphical interface for configuration, although this interface is not very useful. It can modify the input method list, modify global configuration, modify add-on configuration, and enable/disable add-ons. Step 1: Open software and Updates, and click “Other Software”. Add the software source: PPA: fcitX-team /nightly and reload. This loading process may take a while

I believe you can use sogou input method now, congratulations to you, that began to learn Linux system knowledge! Come on!