1. Install GCC

yum -y install gcc
Copy the code
yum -y install gcc-c++
Copy the code
If the installation is successful, you can see the version GCC -v on the bottom lineCopy the code


2, uninstall the previous docker (if not installed before do not need to uninstall)

2-1: root permission Run the following command

yum remove docker \
        docker-client \
        docker-client-latest \
        docker-common \
        docker-latest \
        docker-latest-logrotate \
        docker-logrotate \
Copy the code

2-2: non-root privileges plus sudo

sudo yum remove docker \
        docker-client \
        docker-client-latest \
        docker-common \
        docker-latest \
        docker-latest-logrotate \
        docker-logrotate \
Copy the code


3. Install the software package

Sudo yum install -y yum-utilsCopy the code


4. Set up the mirror vault

This step is very important, we need to change the mirror warehouse to Ali Cloud, so that the download speed is not slow.

yum-config-manager --add-repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
Copy the code

We can view our warehouse configuration file with the following command

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo 
Copy the code


Update yum package index

yum makecache fast
Copy the code


6. Install Docker

yum -y install docker-ce
Copy the code


7. Start Docker

systemctl start docker
Copy the code

View the Docker version

docker version
Copy the code

Docker has been installed successfully.


8. Configure mirror acceleration

8-1: Obtain the mirror accelerator

Log in to your Baidu cloud account

Copy the acceleration code into daemon.json

{” registry – mirrors “: [xxxxx.mirror.aliyuncs.com]}

mkdir -p /etc/docker
vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
Copy the code

Docker document docs.docker.com/engine/inst…