Tips: Any technical article has a time limit, and the “Build mobile AD Attribution System manually from Zero to one” series will do its best to provide the technical background and context. Please be sure to read the article before you refer to it, so as not to be misleading

The story background

The demo uses SVProgressHUD and AFNetworking libraries. Both libraries are installed through CocoaPods, the iOS dependency management tool. So to compile the project you need to install CocoaPods on macOS 10.15

Technical preparation

MacOS10.15 RVM is used to install the new ruby version ruby 2.6.6 to install CocoaPods

The installation process

Use the following command to install at first, but keep reporting errors

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
Copy the code
ERROR:  Error installing cocoapods:
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension
Copy the code

The ruby version may not be compatible, but many users pointed out that the system should not use the native Ruby, you need to manually install a new one

Install RVM

To reinstall Ruby, start with RVM, which is a convenient tool for managing and switching between multiple versions of Ruby environments. However, many tutorials on the web have failed and this command will not succeed

curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Copy the code

Since the resource at this address is no longer accessible, install it using the following command

curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Copy the code

The installation is complete

Upgrade of RVM in /Users/lionsu/.rvm/ is complete.

Thanks for installing RVM 
Please consider donating to our open collective to help us maintain RVM.

👉  Donate:
Copy the code

If the following prompts, restart the shell window or perform RVM Reload

Please open a new shell or run one of the following commands: rvm reload echo rvm_auto_reload_flag=1 >> ~/.rvmrc # OR for auto reload with msg echo rvm_auto_reload_flag=2 >> ~/.rvmrc  # OR for silent auto reloadCopy the code
Installing Ruby manually

Start by looking at the available Ruby versions

rvm list known
Copy the code
[ruby -] 1.8.6 [- p420] [ruby -] 1.8.7 [- head] # security released on head [ruby -] 1.9.1 [- p431] [ruby -] 1.9.2 [- p330] [ruby -] 1.9.3 [- p551] [ruby -] 2.0.0 [- p648] [ruby -] 2.1. [10] [ruby -] 2.2. [10] [ruby -] 2.3. [8] [ruby -] 2.4. [10] [ruby -] 2.5 [8] [ruby -] 2.6 [6] [ruby -] 2.7 [2] [ruby -] 3 [0.0]Copy the code

Install 2.6.6 to upgrade a minor version of 2.6.2

RVM install 2.6.6Copy the code

If the following error occurs

RVM can not be run with `set -o posix`, please turn it off and try again
Copy the code

Then use the command

echo $SHELL
Copy the code

Check to see if the shell currently in use is sh, and if so, switch to bash or ZSH

// View all available shells $cat /etc/shell/bin/bash/bin/csh/bin/dash /bin/ ksh/bin/sh/bin/tcsh/bin/zsh // Switch to bash $CHSH -s /bin/bash // Then enter the system password and restart the shell clientCopy the code

Ruby 2.6.6 was successfully installed

Install of Ruby - rdoc testrb rake Install of Ruby - rdoc testrb rake built without documentation, to build it run: rvm docs generate-riCopy the code
Everything is ready for installation

Then install CocoaPods and you’re done

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
Copy the code
Freemarkerdocumentation for Ruby-Machi-1.4.0 Installing ri Documentation for Ruby-Machi-1.4.0 Parsing Cocoapods-1.10.1 Done Installing ri documentation for concurrent-Ruby, i18n, .. 34 Gems Installed $POD -- Version 1.10.1Copy the code

Installation successful!