Install and configure The Kibana plugin for ElasticSearch on Windows. This article is about installing and configuring ElasticSearch on Windows. Kibana is a visual management tool for ElasticSearch.

1. Download files


Pay attention to,The downloaded version must be the same as that of ElasticSearchFor example, here we download version 6.8.9, such as:Artifacts. Elastic. Co/downloads/k…

** decompress the downloaded package to an installation directory, for example, D:\Net_Program\Net_Kibana

Note that the zip package comes with the outermost folder kibana-6.8.9-Windows-x86_64, this folder can not be decompressed when

ElasticSearch user and password are specified in the previous article “Installing and Configuring ElasticSearch under Windows”. Modify the kibana.yml file in the config directory as follows:

Password: "123456" elasticsearch.password: "123456"Copy the code

If domain name or IP address access is configured for ElasticSearch, you also need to set the kibana.yml file in the config directory

# ElasticSearch connection address ElasticSearch. Hosts: [" "]Copy the code

4. Start the Kibana service

4.1,Method 1: Go to the bin directory and run kibana.bat.

4.2,Method 2: Run CMD to start the service, open CMD, navigate to the bin installation directory D:\Net_Program\Net_Kibana\bin, and run kibana.bat

4.3,Method 3: Use NSSM to configure the Windows service

Open the win64 folder of NSSM, such as D:\Net_ business software \Net_NSSM\ NSSM-2.24 \win64, then hold down Shift+ right click on the blank of the folder and select “Open Powershell window here”.

Then enter
.\nssm install
Bring up the Settings form

In the popup form, in the Application TAB,

Path: choose
Path, as shown in

Startup Directory: After Path is selected, Startup directory is automatically populated

Argument: indicates the parameter used to start the service

Service name: indicates the Service name, for exampleKibana-Service

After the setup is complete, click the Install Service button to complete, then go to check the system service has a service called Kibana-service

5, test,

Once the Kibana service is successfully started, you can access it by typing http://localhost:5601 in your browser. The user name and password are the elastic and 123456 we just configured.

To enable IP or domain name and change port, you can directly modify and server.port in kibana.yml in config, as shown in the following figure: