First of all, this article is probably useless to most people, because it’s not about technology, it’s about code specifications. If it is the old bird who has worked for many years, they will not pay attention to the procedural norms, and they are not willing to change even if it is very irregular. However, young people who have just started their career still need to keep good standards. Good standards are excellent qualities and also the testimony of high ability.


Here are the two specifications, and I believe most people choose specification 1. Specification 2 is also a good choice, because a lot of people who write Java or the Web use spec 2, and people who write Qt use spec 2. What I’m saying is, whether you choose spec 1 or 2, stick to it consistently throughout the project and don’t mix the two with spec 3. However, in most cases I would recommend using spec 1 for the visual studio compiler and spec 2 for qtcreator, although if you are writing Java or the web you can use spec 2.

Standard 1

Specification 2

Specification 3

This is just a simple example, and I want to say that all of this can be set up in the compiler.

Vs compiler Settings