Time flowing water, years long river, big river, rolling east flow.

Each of us is a trickle of reality that eventually becomes a river of history.

“Looking back at the bumpy road, the twists and turns on the road. Thanks for more than ten years of study, which has made me who I am now.”

I was born in an ordinary family in the mountains. I was cowardly and introverted, and my family was ordinary. It seemed that I could see the end of my life at a glance. In the small town of my hometown, I spent the rest of my life doing nothing.

Reading is the best way for me, and the only way.

From the inner stubborn, unwilling to the original fate of the arrangement. I studied hard, from Guiyang to Nanjing, and then from Nanjing to Chongqing. Every time the ups and downs are full of strength, I also with a dream step by step slowly out of the inner haze, out of the mountains, but also gradually out of their own road.

I am not a king, but my bones flowing not afraid of suffering, do not admit defeat of blood. My grandfather is an old party member, but also I study for more than ten years to learn the example. Grandpa a person through their own efforts from the valley slowly walked to the metropolis, changed his fate, changed the environment of his hometown, accumulated countless spiritual wealth for future generations. From his body, I see the responsibility and responsibility as a party member, the feelings of the country, the national consciousness, and diligent, studious and down-to-earth quality.

The power of example is often the most convincing. I also want to become an excellent Communist party member like my grandfather, and make a contribution to the people, the society, the country and the nation. For the development of the country, the prosperity of the nation to contribute a own youth strength. Well aware of the hard-won reading, I strive to study in the stage, from many aspects to experience their own.

Loyal to the party, actively close to the party organization. After entering the university, I tried to be strict with myself as an excellent party member. I was eager to learn from others, ready to help others in life, and diligent in scientific research. Through the careful guidance and help of the Party organization, I became the first Communist party member in my class as a member of the Communist Youth League, an excellent league member, an active member of the Party, an object of development and a probationary party member. After I became a Member of the Communist Party, I did not relax the strict requirements on myself. Being disciplined, diligent and eager to learn and willing to help others is my style. I always use my own strength to help people around me. To help guide the college party committee, I served as the student party branch secretary, leading the student party branch around constantly guidance to help students actively to the party organization, from the communist youth league to the formal party member, from the membership application to positive reply, bit by bit to help students understand the party’s history, knows the party’s objective, understand the mission of the party. Never forget the original aspiration, keep in mind the mission, let the students feel the communist party of China to the people, to the country, to the nation’s dedication, also let a batch of younger students become qualified party members.

Serve the society, sprinkle the youth sweat on the road of voluntary service. I had to lead the college students ZhiJiaoTuan deep southern hunan chenzhou city of volunteer program, using their own expertise, to carry out the education teaching and the characteristics of literature and art activities, a series of rural teaching in the classroom, and establish college students brought the Gospel to the local 100 left-behind children, up mountains of the child’s knowledge, warm the mountainous area children’s heart. Whenever community street volunteer activities, I can always see my figure, to explain household appliances for the elderly to pay attention to, to help the elderly community carrying household appliances, to show the responsibility and responsibility of contemporary student party members. During the epidemic, I made use of my professional skills to record a large number of short videos teaching office skills for government and community workers, which greatly improved the work efficiency of government workers and effectively alleviated the work pressure of grass-roots workers.

To improve themselves, to make contributions to national prosperity and national rejuvenation. I am well aware that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. My major is in short supply for the development of our country. The construction of our country needs us in the future. Therefore, DURING my study, I kept consolidating my professional foundation and participated in scientific research projects as the leader of academic projects for many times, so as to combine theory with practice and improve my mastery of professional knowledge. As the host of many activities, I organized and participated in a number of major cultural activities, which made up for my innate weakness in character and improved my ability to communicate with others. Study hard, accumulate their own, passed huawei, Ali Cloud, Microsoft and other enterprises, more than a dozen of professional skills certification, let oneself in the future less nervous, more than a dare to ask the world to try the edge of the confidence.

Huawei’s youngest cloud enjoying expert, Huawei’s top ten national developers, Huawei’s top ten bloggers, Tencent Cloud Annual Excellent author, Microsoft MOS Master, various scholarships… The MEDALS on my body are my motivation and courage to keep moving forward. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. As a Communist party member, I know that the world is in a period of great development, great change and great adjustment. The country needs a group of people who are willing to contribute and dare to work hard to build our country, our society and our hometown. It is my bounden duty and obligation to use my professional skills to seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the country.

The future and destiny of the Party and the country are closely linked. In today’s world, the strategic game between major powers is intensifying across the board. As a graduate party member, I think we have an identity at each stage. At the moment our identity is a postgraduate party member. No matter whether I choose to continue to study in school or to work in the future. We should do a good job of the current things – hard and serious study, lay a solid professional foundation knowledge, strict requirements of themselves, serious learning attitude, heart and soul to serve the people. So that we can stand up and protect our country and our people when they really need us.

From the first CPC Congress to the 19th CPC National Congress, it has grown from a small organization with more than 50 members to more than 91 million members and 4.6 million primary-level Party organizations. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has remained true to its founding mission, persevered in its determination, and shouldered the historic mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It has united and led the people in carrying out the great cause of new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and development, reform and opening up, and modernization. Engels once said, “History is everything to us.” The history of the Communist Party of China is everything to the Chinese Communists. The soul of communists is written in the history of the Party, which guides the future destiny. As the party oath wrote: “I volunteered to join the communist party of China, uphold the party’s platform, in accordance with the rules of the party, the party member obligations, implement the party’s decisions, strictly abide by party discipline, the conservative secret, be loyal, work actively, as the communism struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, never rebel.” From the very first day they joined the Party, Chinese Communists were ready to sacrifice their lives at any time for their great faith, for their great cause, for the great Party and the people.

Time is relentless, the Communist Party of China from small to large, The Chinese revolution from a spark to a prairie fire, from low tide to high tide. History is always an upward spiral, and career is never plain sailing. In the revolutionary years, the Communist party members shed their heads, shed their blood, and built an impregnable Great Wall with flesh and blood, so that the enemy is afraid, so that people admire; In the era of peace and construction, the Communist Party members took the lead, neither afraid of hardship nor afraid of tiring, so that the country gradually became rich; In the era of reform, Communist party members struggle hard, dare to take on the courage to innovate, and strive to practice the mission and responsibility of the new era.

I am proud of myself as a Chinese, I am proud of myself as a Communist party member, because behind me there is a strong motherland, the great Communist Party of China, the united nation. From “resisting the United States and assisting the DPRK” to “fighting the epidemic”, numerous Party members and leading volunteers have rushed to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic without any reluctance. With the firm belief that “the war will be won and the battle will be defeated”, they have united as one to fight the virus. I believe that, under the new era, facing the complicated and changeable environment and new challenge under the new situation at home and abroad, under the leadership of the communist party of China, fully carry forward the excellent traditional culture spirit of the communist party of China people, we will realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to seize the great victory of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. I will always feel the party grace, listen to the party, follow the party, always have a childlike heart, always forge ahead!

This year, I will bid farewell to more than ten years of study in Chongqing. My heart is full of regrets and regrets. Beng exhausted end for the son, poor parents heart. I am grateful to my parents and family. Only through their hard work can I have the opportunity to continue to advance step by step in the palace of academia and concentrate on scientific research tasks. The grace of a wise teacher is more important than heaven and earth, and more important than parents. Grateful to my teacher, preaching, enlighten, for me to guide the direction of the way forward, forged my character of unremitting self-improvement. Thanksgiving my friend, along the way, through the wind and frost.

Thanks to my Alma mater for providing me with such a good learning environment and atmosphere, so that I spent my student life fully and fully. The school motto of my Alma mater will also be the motto of my life and growth, which will continuously encourage me to surge forward, prosper the country and contribute my own youth to the prosperity of the country.

Youth does not stay for the young, but no matter how far I walk, return is still a young.

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