As a programmer, do you have to code? This is probably the misconception most people have about programmers. They think programmers can only code, so they get a dead wage. No, programmers can do a lot more than just code.

What exactly can be done? Now might as well follow the small editor hand together to see it!

First, it’s never wrong to invest in learning

Programmers can’t rise on their laurels, so to make a difference, you must never stop learning.

For example, the current mainstream operating system is Windows, Linux/Unix, skilled use of these operating systems is necessary, but only these are far from enough.

To be a true programmer, you need to have a deep understanding of the operating system, its memory management mechanisms, process/thread scheduling, signals, kernel objects, system calls, protocol stack implementations, etc.

As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Want to succeed is the same, for their interest to in-depth study, of course, can also be multiple areas of learning, but they have to make a good plan, do not grasp.

Second, take orders in your spare time

For people who have worked for many years and are very competent, they can do some small projects in their spare time.

If you want to test your skills, consider taking on bigger projects with like-minded friends.

If you are afraid of trouble, you might as well pick up some small projects, partial functions or plug-ins. Using two days off to write a small project for a few thousand dollars is a great way to get on the side business without too much stress and without affecting your working hours.

Now there are many outsourcing platforms, but the one I have come into contact with a lot is Juniuhui Outsourcing platform, which is a reliable on-demand employment platform.

Hope for which want to exercise their friends, there will be certain help.

Third, investment and financial management

Using extra money to manage your finances is a great opportunity to boost your wealth. The Internet age should know, but it’s important to note that choosing the right platform is important, important, important.

For example, if you are interested in funds and money management, you can try making small investments.

Fourth, experiment across fields

If you have a wide range of interests, you can also choose the field you want to try based on your interests.

For example, if you are good in appearance, and have certain speech ability, but also very humorous, you can also try to do live broadcast.

If you’re not careful, you’ll get hot and get yourself another job.

In short, although the essence of the job is a programmer, but a person is not always satisfied with the status quo, because you can not do a lifetime sitting where knocking code, as long as the dare to try, there are many kinds of possible life!

“I am an old programmer who has been working on the front-end for 5 years. I resigned and now work as a lecturer. At the beginning of this year, I spent a month organizing a list of web front-end products that are most suitable for learning in 2019, including the most basic HTML+CSS+JS, mobile HTML5 and various frameworks. Welcome beginners and advanced friends.”

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