Recently, our App is also coming to the end of the test. Please kindly share with you what r&d pits we have experienced in this App exclusive to product managers

In 2022, for small and medium-sized teams planning to build apps, there must be the following questions to answer

Question 1. The cost of making app is so high now, do we still need to do it?

First of all, I suggest that whether or not to make an APP should be decided according to the company’s business model, that is, product positioning. For example, your company plans to make a social product, and for users’ operation experience and content browsing, the best product form is app.

Because apps can provide users with videos, pictures, and even interactive animations to facilitate all kinds of social needs.

There is no reason not to make APP because of high cost, but only to choose the form of product positioning, if the product positioning itself is suitable for the scene is APP, it will be done sooner or later.

Question 2. Is the app to be made immediately?

In 2019, I made a big mistake, it itself is entrepreneurial teams quality defects in the development of resources, and resources is not high, also with the team to do the two small procedures, hope that through small application number to win, in fact prove that it is very late loss of team resources, at the same time as the WeChat regulation is more and more severe, Small programs that do not provide real services are doomed to not go far! At the same time, too many small programs can not guarantee the experience and optimization of small programs.

** So do not do app immediately, must have a certain business model before doing! Make sure there is a continuing payment business to do it! **

Refuse to use app for commercial exploration, focus on the needs of the head to make app, the final outcome is not good!

For example, PMTalk is a small program made first, so we selected one of the small programs in 2019. During the period of one year before and after the small program went online, we iterated 5 major versions, determined the functions used by users, and started to make app only after reaching certain stable data.

App uses the account system of small programs and other low-level logic, as well as content sections, interaction design, UI design, etc.

The advantage of having small program first is that the functions are fixed for users and the development direction of the business is also directed. Even in future iterations, there will not be much functional change. For APP, the front-end functional modules will not be added, and the only changes are interaction and design.

** QUESTION 3. Choose Apple and Android? **

Before making an app, you should first know what kind of people your main users are. For example, when we make a product manager community, more than 65% of the terminals of the crowd portrait are IOS phones, so we first target the relevant channels of IOS, that is, the App Store.

And if you’re going to make a product that’s going to go down and target older users, android is definitely the top choice.

Question 4. Is apple’s audit difficult?

Compared with the review of Android, the review of Apple is actually more difficult, especially for many small teams, to complete the Review of Apple once the preliminary demand research is not done, it will spend a lot of time to transform.

For example, different product positioning, Apple will require users to register and log in must be forced or not.

For example, PMTalk is a community browsing app, so this kind of product does not allow forced login, allowing users to browse content online, login registration entry requires users to interact with the content to enter.

If your product is a game class, tool class, it can provide login registration entry before users enter, this is very important, because there is no audit will involve login registration logic changes, a lot of development work.

If your products at the same time provides third-party login, you will need to increase apple in third-party login login, otherwise cannot be approved, for the account system optimization need to pay attention to, such as apple escrow account after login, the user whether to binding mobile phone, or directly into use within the product need to product manager.

Question 5. How to link app and small program?

Since July 2021, wechat has banned small programs from pulling up apps, unless the developers added to Tencent’s white list can continue to retain the ability to use this, so the way to pull up apps with small programs is basically broken.

But now APP can share wechat friends in the form of small programs, compared with sharing links, small programs because of browsing and content experience, the click volume is naturally higher.

The sharing function module for APP can be connected with small program, so users can browse the content shared in app without downloading.

** QUESTION 6. What are the new technologies in app development? **

The Internet industry really does not learn will be eliminated. At least before the development of this app, according to the client experience of the product manager between me, it is still both IOS and Android, and the resources needed are two developers.

But in fact, the development of front-end technology has been beyond imagination, a lot of novel front-end technology can be used.

Our PMTalk APP is developed with flutter language. With the simultaneous development of one front-end, the development of both IOS and APP has been completed, and the cost has been doubled!

The review for IOS and Android will still use native packaging. If the overall development framework has not found a new technology for Flutter, there will be no way to introduce flutter to everyone. Development resources are really limited!

The advantages of Flutter technology compared to other technologies

Q7. Do you need hybrid development with H5?

In the era of mobile Internet, there is almost no product without H5. Therefore, in order to reduce the development cost, we reused a lot of H5 function modules and pages to realize the APP in a nested way.

Especially for a product like ours, H5 is actually the best choice, because you can do rich media rendering, but if you are targeting tools, games, then native will meet your application front-end rendering requirements.

Finally, this app is still in the testing stage. After all, we are really a very small RESEARCH and development team, but we are committed to the best way for the user experience, so we hope to run to a good data before coming out, it is expected to go on the App Store first, please look forward to it.

Of course, if you have any questions about the APP as a product manager, you can add my readers to contact me at any time. If you don’t already have experience as a product manager, by all means sign up for data boot camp.

My personal wechat group: PMkevin001, add me to pull you in



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I’m Kevin, a slashes young man who loves products and is on his way to start a business

Focus on me and work together to shape life products with product manager skills.