At the end of the first book of the three-Body Problem, Ye Wenjie saw the last sunset through the sky of the Red Bank base. The message sent by her own hand will doom mankind forever. Many years later, a single drop of water instantly destroyed the vast human starfleet, and the pride and self-respect of mankind went up in smoke. Before ye Wenjie boarded the Red Case base, she uttered the deafening words:

This is the beginning of everything. This is the sunset for mankind.Copy the code

The following dozens of lines are merely personal reflections on a whim. Based on personal reflections on the likely changes and future of the entire Internet technology practitioner in 2021.

A few days ago, I watched the speech made by Aliyun and Feifei Li at the database conference, reflecting on the future development of the database industry. To be honest, Teacher Li Feifei is a good teacher. From the perspective of technology managers and enterprise applications, she has a high vision, which I personally cannot match for the moment.

However, xiaobian can also stand in the perspective of developers from the bottom up to look at the development industry or xiaobian engaged in the data of this small branch of the future several changes.

Technology is less and less valuable

First of all, I have a personal point of view. To some extent, technology does not create value. The average developer needs to deeply understand one thing: the high salary you temporarily hold in your hand is not a reflection of your ability, but the result of the industry, then the result of the industry. You have two companies to thank: Microsoft and Google.

If only 2 companies can survive in the entire Internet industry, except Microsoft and Google, no other enterprise is qualified and can only die.

Microsoft dramatically lowered the bar for programming, created an entire ecosystem around the operating system, and turned programming into something that ordinary people could do for work.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Google has almost reshaped the entire computer industry since it came up with the concept of distribution. Since then, Google has not been satisfied with this, not only frantically set the top standard, but also in the technology community continues to benefit humanity.

It can be said that the highlights of the Internet industry in recent years are entirely driven by the boom of the industry to benefit ordinary developers, rather than individuals themselves. We’re all just pigs in the wind.

Technological inflation has been caused by the dramatic lowering of barriers to entry, where more people participate means less of a pie for everyone. Back to the essence of the company, how can a developer who focuses on technology but contributes to the business get paid to sit in front of a computer?

Competition in the stock market is white-hot, and the era of lying down to make money is over. Developers who don’t understand the business, jump from job to job, jump from industry to industry, and chase technological advancement without the business itself will eventually be left behind.

FasS is back in the spotlight

Some terms about cloud computing era do not do too much explanation, you can look up information.

Starting in 2021, actually starting in the second half of 2020. FaaS are back in the spotlight, and the average developer should feel the pinch.

FaaS, short for Functions as a Service, is often associated with Serverless Architecture.

Notice that FaaS from the top down, and lower code from the bottom up, have a double impact on the living space of average developers.

What are FaaS doing? FaaS abandoned the original architecture of large and complex applications and split the units in the entire architecture, abstracting all kinds of software and hardware resources into a service for developers to use, so that they no longer worry about infrastructure, resource requirements, middleware, etc., and focus on specific logic implementation.

See? FaaS has eaten up the most brain and development effort of the entire developer. The management of infrastructure and middleware, and even server resources, requires no developer involvement. Where does this lead?

For those of you who are cramming into this industry, you should feel the crunch. Because FaaS is turning you into actual tool people.

Tool man is low cost and easy to replace.

Low code is all the rage

The Low Code Development Platform is a Development Platform that allows applications to be generated quickly without coding (zero Code) or with a small amount of Code.

What is low code doing? Let’s take a quote from the industry:

Low code is based on the concept of visualization and model-driven, combined with cloud native and multi-side experience technology, it can achieve significant efficiency and cost reduction in most business scenarios, providing a new high productivity development paradigm for professional developers. Low code, on the other hand, allows people who don't know the code to "drag and drop" components to build applications. In a sense, low code can bridge the growing gap in technical expertise while facilitating the ultimate agile form of deep collaboration between business and technology.Copy the code

See? Low code allows component development to be done by people who don’t know the code. The development of this field will quickly eliminate the people who do the internal system of the enterprise, and then spread out. You can refer to nailing.

On December 28, 2020, Dingding announced the launch of its low-code development platform “Yibian”, which provides users with low-code development capabilities. According to the latest user data released by Dingding: 15 million enterprise organizations and 300 million individual users. The launch of “” means that the popularity of low-code development in China has been accelerated and may even explode in the coming years.

This information has sounded the alarm bells for the developers of enterprise internal systems. It is clear that other fields are ultimately not immune.

For whom the bell tolls?

Several future changes in the data landscape

Again, just a personal thought. I also hope to look back and punch myself in the face in years to come.

The data field has reached a plateau and the threshold has been lowered. Two of the first jobs to be affected by FaaS and the idea of low code in the future of data are obvious and you can think for yourself.

In the future, low code prevails, SQL-like and dragging will lead developers to be further and further away from the principle, do not understand the underlying design, do not understand the top-level architecture, as business understand business, as development understand development.

The fool is still secretly happy, but the wise are sad.

Because business folks kill developers with Excel and low code platforms. Because the data field is naturally Low Code.

The industry drivers of low code and FaaS are industry leaders such as Microsoft, Google and AliYun.

They make or break developers.

The so-called, success is also what is also what defeat.

What should we do

Understand the principle

The second half of 2020 will see the emergence of new concepts in the field of data, as I mentioned in my previous post. These new concepts are bound to drive the growth of some infrastructure departments, because if infrastructure departments don’t move forward, they will become operations experts, they will become question answering experts, they will kill themselves.

Therefore, as a basic developer leading the company or even the industry, before boldly starting a new technical solution based on the business, only a sufficient familiarity with the principle can make a smooth transition. Blindly jump on the horse, do not make sufficient research, lack of technical ability will be dragged to death by other front-runners.

Do top-level architecture design

In particular, reasonable technology selection and correct architecture design based on business system have put forward quite high requirements for developers. Only when the technology stack is deep enough and the scene is rich enough, can they play with ease. For those technical leaders, this is a huge challenge. Otherwise, one will be incompetent, exhausted thousands of troops. Either you’re good enough to light the way for the team, or you’re charismatic enough to find and attract those who are.

Understand the business

The business is where the developer stands, and knowing the business is where they stand. As the threshold of development continues to be lowered, business people, especially those who are familiar with the business and can do analysis, will gradually become less dependent on development, and developers who only know development will be marginalized in the future of low code and mature suite.

Do a good job in industry precipitation

Technology does not survive, but industry precipitation does. For example, In the second half of 2020, Pinduoduo started to make headway in logistics, and Douyin won the payment license. Excuse me everyone, who will become the target of poaching and chasing after?

So 2021 is the beginning of everything, and the sunset for developers.

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