
This is a summary of alibaba’s major open source developments in 2017.

This is a summary of alibaba’s major open source developments in 2017.

Hot hot

In 2017, Alibaba made those things open source

The author:
Wood ringPublished in:
Ali Cloud open source tool integration

[Important Notice] Ali Cloud continues to update the notice on the handling of Intel processor Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities

The author:
Aliyun Headlines

New Year’s Greetings: 2017 Ali Technology edited, 65 massive downloads!

The author:
Tech whizPublished in:
Alibaba Recruitment

Knowledge to sort out

Spring Cloud (1) Service Registration and Discovery (Eureka)

The author:

A glimpse of future trends :Java and Kotlin; The EclipsE and IntelliJ

The author:
The stray dog

Create A K8S cluster in 5 seconds – Play Docker Container Technology in 5 minutes per day (115)

The author:

Compliance and Security: Integration of Ali Cloud and enterprise identity system

The author:
Jung parkPublished in:
Information security Management

Appium Mobile automation framework

The author:

Literature review

GTS decryption — the principle, architecture and characteristics of GTS

The author:

A deep dive into the WebSocket protocol

The author:
Program Monkey CAM

MYSQL import/export. SQL files

The author:
Cloud hope.

Deploy network Policy support to the Kubernetes cluster of container services

The author:
csomePublished in:
Ali Cloud Container service

NumPy Fast Food Tutorial (2) – Advanced multidimensional Arrays

The author:

Deadlock analysis caused by two updates

The author:

Relearning the Java language (I) -Java language identifiers and keywords

The author:
Luna’s flying knife

Review of previous selections