• There are too many software in the world, too few tools to understand you;
  • I am a tool junkie. I often collect and write tools and plug-ins to improve my life.
  • This article will continuously update and record some efficiency tools and websites I use heavily in my daily work.

Utility class


  • Address: github.com/syl20bnr/sp…
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐ ⭐️⭐️
  • At present, the most commonly used function of Emacs is Org mode, which is used to collect ideas, organize ideas, and assign tasks. Emacs is so powerful that almost any feature you can think of has plug-ins, but getting used to them can be tricky. To get the full picture, look at some Lisp.

Org mode

  • Address: orgmode.org/
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐ ⭐️⭐️
  • Because Org Mode is so good, I recommend it again. Org mode is a node-based structure, which can be used to realize the function of brain map, and can also set the state of each node. Most people (including me) use it as a GTD tool, or for writing blog posts.


  • Address: github.com/txthinking/…
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️ disk ⭐ password
  • Brook is a cross-platform agent tool, and the author compiled the Release of each platform. After I tried the Brook protocol, I was amazed by the agent speed, and my turtle speed server was instantly rejuvenated. I wanted to give Brook five stars, but because its client is not perfect at present, there are occasional server exit problems. We will continue to pay attention to this project.


  • Address: typora. IO /
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️ disk ⭐ password
  • Amateur Markdown programmers like me write mostly documentation. Typora is a polished, cross-platform Markdown editor that supports MacOS, Windows, and Linux. The Markdown rendering is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, and the input experience is awesome, as well as the Pdf output.


  • Address: github.com/Molunerfinn…
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐ ⭐️⭐️
  • PicGo is an open source free photo bed upload tool, PicGo currently supports weibo photo bed, seven niu photo bed, Tencent cloud COS V4 \ V5 version, and shoot cloud, GitHub, SM.MS photo bed, support MacOS, Windows 64-bit (v1.3.0 or above) system. It’s super convenient to copy screenshots and insert them into files when writing Markdown documents.


  • Address: github.com/KELiON/cere…
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️ disk ⭐ password
  • A free open source dialog quick start tool, support MacOs, Windows, Linux. Currently, I can’t switch Windows under MacOs without this tool, and I have written many plugins for Cerebro. Of course there are other tools like Alfred and Wox, but good software is software that can be modified as you like, right?


  • Address: www.keyboard-and-mouse-sharing.com/
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️ disk ⭐ password
  • If you need to share the same keyboard and mouse across different systems and computers, ShareMouse may be the perfect solution, but for a fee. Compared to Synergy, which drags and copies files between Windows, the fly in the ointment is that it’s not open-source.

Fish Shell

  • Address: fishshell.com/
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️ disk ⭐ password
  • Compared to the Zsh Shell, I think Fish is a bit more user-friendly in configuration, but there is one slot where the Bash instructions are not fully compatible. Oh-my-fish and Fisherman are recommended for plug-in management of fish. recommendedTheme Agnoster + The color DraculaTo see no friends.

Information on the website

Making daily Trending

  • Address: github.com/trending
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐ ⭐️⭐️
  • You must browse it once every day. If you can be on Github Trending, there must be creativity and manipulation (lucky enough to be on the monthly list twice).

Hacker News

  • Address: news.ycombinator.com/
  • Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐ ⭐️⭐️
  • The stories on Hacker News’s hot list are definitely big tech stories, and strongly worth checking out every day.


The tool or software that suits you is the best. There is no need to boast that the language or IDE is the best.

Some technical news and information, or suggest to read the original English link, a lot of Chinese marketing number is just a rough translation and reprint, in this process, the original information may be distorted and lost, it is like being chewed sugar cane, not too much nutrition.

Finally, please follow my wechat public account: Shulin Xiaosheng

Weixin.qq.com/r/diq5oYzE5… (Qr code automatic recognition)