It was September in a twinkling of an eye, and two months had passed since I came to the company for internship. In the past two months, I have been able to participate in business iteration and take charge of the development of a certain module of the platform. I have also made a lot of efforts and gained a lot of insights.

Here roughly from the life, work, and their own three aspects of a brief talk about it.

Actually, this is the internship report required by the school. Anyway, I have written it, so I would like to sort it out and share it with you. Then attach an internal push link, interested friends can consider internal push ha ~


I came to Shenzhen alone with my dream and three years’ worth of laptop that already has a card. Without friends, without anything familiar, it was like the first day of high school. But the first day was suddenly life to a xia Mawei. Renting a house did not go well, so I slept for one night with only one bed and one schoolbag, and my mental state became very bad a few days ago. Here really suggest that we must be careful about renting, especially some renting scam, must not be cheap, to find a formal institution.

The consumption in Shenzhen is quite high, at least much higher than that in the school. In the school, I spend less than 30 yuan a day, but here I spend more than 100 yuan at every turn. It seems that all the consumption has become a hundred as a unit. Fortunately, the company provides free meals and crazy calls.

A joke said, shenzhen is to come to work, to play or should I go to guangzhou, Hong Kong, shenzhen, no play, only TuTuTu “specialty” (don’t know can search shenzhen specialty). The feeling of working for two months is really like that of senior three, every day two points, not feel tired, but feel, a little sense of belonging. Bah, just come to two months which come to the sense of belonging 😂, the company is quite a sense of belonging.



Byte does not talk about the title, we call each other by name, when just come, can also need to adapt to the peer is ok, if it is older than you, the name or feel some pressure, slowly get used to it. From the perspective of interns, the most important thing is the technical aspect, focusing on the project at hand and the completion of the work. I still have little knowledge about the business and only know some simple concepts.

Byte is very self-driven, which can be seen from the flexibility of not punching in and out of work. As long as you can finish the work assigned to you on time and with good quality, there is no problem, which I personally think is quite good. I’m a tech enthusiast myself, and I often work late into the night, but it’s voluntary, and actually a lot of people leave late, and I’m often the last one to leave. This is not to force us to work overtime, but from the personal point of view, there is nothing wrong with going back early. It is very comfortable to stay in the company, with air conditioning, snacks and water to drink, so I instinctively want to stay longer and do something by the way. If there is something to do, I can leave in advance.

I used to hear people say things like 996 ICU, but when I actually joined the company, I felt like, if you don’t like programming, it’s really painful, and if you like programming, how can it be too long? When the hard work is recognized by everyone, the in the mind is still flattered.

Work everyday

At first, mentor gave me some materials and made a list. Based on the list, I got familiar with the basic business concepts, configured the development environment and learned the use of peripheral tools. About two weeks later, I started to develop some small functions. I spent a lot of time refactoring old code from the past, but these refactorings were discovered and solved by myself as I got familiar with the project, and were not actively arranged. What I’m doing is working hard. Mentor mainly reviewed the code I reconstructed to ensure that my changes would not affect the normal online functions. In this process, I stepped in a lot of holes, but also better familiar with the details of the project.

When I got to work, I realized that the original job description that I was involved in optimizing performance and experience was actually due to the fact that the code of the project itself was not very good. Even for a big company like Bytedance, there are still “historical reasons”. It is said that programmers always make fun of other people’s code and always despise other people’s code. I have a feeling that this is probably the case, and to be honest, it’s because the previous code had few comments and high coupling. Sometimes found a bug will issue sigh, this who can find ah. I can’t say my code is perfect, and I’m sure it will be mocked, but try to make it better.

Knowledge of the development process

At the beginning of my work, I found that there were so many problems in the original project, so I made a list of the problems I saw with great enthusiasm as I just came out of school. I thought I could go online after the reconstruction, but later my mentor told me that the interface was made according to the interaction diagram, which was based on the demand, and the demand was based on the product. Therefore, if I want to make a major change in the design interface or function, I need to go through this process, that is, discuss the problem with the product, put forward a requirement, and then review together to determine the final plan before implementing it.

And I just do it with all my enthusiasm, and then I can’t do it? I was very upset at that time, but it had already happened, so I went to contact the product students to discuss this problem together. But it wasn’t until now (nearly a month and a half later) that the need was raised, and after the two interfaces were evaluated, I knew that the previous part of the code really wasn’t working.

The overall process of a requirement from development to online is not done overnight, but needs careful planning. However, WHEN I did this, I did not communicate well with others in advance, and the result of my labor was basically wasted due to the deviation. This problem is worth reflecting on, and I must align myself with relevant personnel before doing things.

Their own

These two months, leisure time always think of a question, how to do in the future? I’ve heard that programmers are the ceiling at 35, and that they can keep working as long as they like it and are good enough.

I seem to be very eager to become a good person, but the impatient is not hot tofu. There is always an accumulation process of ability improvement and so on. I haven’t graduated yet, but I’m thinking about the next ten or so years. It’s a little too early. It’s okay to think ahead and have a vision. However, I think I am not the only one who is like this, everyone is more or less a little confused, or dream, it is good to have a dream, in case it comes true.

I feel like I can only code, and I can’t do anything but code, and I almost always code on weekends, and the difference could be working on my own project or a company project. I think of the code as my own child, so I always want to polish it. On the one hand, I like it, but on the other hand, I really don’t have a chance to go out to play. I don’t want to move.

Recently I heard a joke, a programmer’s day is to tap code to drink water to go to the toilet, think back to these two months, it is really like this, can not help but smile, it seems everyone is so ah!

I have spent almost all my time at work, for both subjective and objective reasons. This is not a complaint, but a helplessness. Want to separate life and work, but he is a workaholic, always knead the two together, knock on the code will not stop, although the work progress, but life is decadent a lot. Recently, because of the excessive use of the mouse and keyboard to cause wrist pain, or very uncomfortable.

It seems that learning how to balance work and life and knowing when to stop is also important.


Leader told me that embracing uncertainty is a choice. The most important thing is to do well in the task at hand, find and solve the problem. The most important thing is whether the problem can be found, whether it can be solved, how to solve it, and whether there is a better way? This is a positive cycle, ability improvement is sooner or later.

Friends and I said, young people who are not confused, not confused, not youth. How many people can single-mindedly in their favorite things crazy output, my job is what I like, this point has been hard to get.

In fact, I feel lucky to be able to do what I like. There is still a long way to go. I haven’t graduated yet, and I still have a lot of time to rush. In the future, in addition to professional ability, we should also pay attention to the improvement of inner cultivation and the abundance of social knowledge, so that we can expect to be more calm in the face of uncertainty.

The last

Attach their own internal push link, interested friends can click on the link to deliver resume roar, with the internal push.