
I’ll show you how to implement a “Hello World” HTTP interface using OpenResty.

First, we need to make sure that we are using Nginx for OpenResty.

export PATH=/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin:$PATH
which nginx

It’s always going to be this path.

Then we go to the home directory.

cd ~/

In our example, create and switch to a directory named hello.

mkdir hello
cd hello

Create a template subdirectory for your OpenResty application.

mkdir logs conf

Then let’s create a simple nginx.conf file in the “conf” subdirectory.

vim conf/nginx.conf
  1. For simplicity’s sake, let’s enable a single NGINX worker process.
  2. We enable a maximum of 1024 connections per worker process.
  3. Here we configure an HTTP server.
  4. To enable thereuseportAfter listening on port 8080.
  5. Finally, we add a root location to the server.
  6. We set the default MIME type to text/plain.
  7. We embed some Lua code to emit a response body that is “Hello World”.
worker_processes 1;

events {
    worker_connections 1024;

http {
    server {
        listen 8080 reuseport;

        location / {
            default_type text/plain;
            content_by_lua_block {
                ngx.say("Hello World")

Now let’s test the configuration with the -t option.

nginx -p $PWD/ -t

It looks good!

Now let’s actually launch the OpenResty application.

nginx -p $PWD/

And check to see if the nginx process is running.

ps aux|grep nginx|grep -v /tmp/

Very good! They’re all up. A master process, a worker process.

Now we can use the curl command-line utility to send a test HTTP request to the server.

The curl ''

We do get the response body Hello, world.

We can also try accessing/URIs in a web browser.

As you can see, it also displays “Hello World” as expected. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please subscribe to this blog site and our YouTube channel or Station B channel. Thank you very much!

About this article and associated videos

This article and the associated videos were generated entirely automatically by our OpenResty Demo system from a very simple script file.

About the author

Yicchun Zhang is the founder of OpenRESTY ®, an open source project, and OpenRESTY Inc. Founder and CEO of the company. He has contributed many third-party modules for Nginx, quite a few Nginx and Luajit core patches, and has designed products such as OpenResty Xray.

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