Taro developed an app that mimicked Xiaohongshu

After learning React for a few months and knowing a little bit about Node, I always wanted to do something about it, so I decided to make something with a colleague who was close to me. It would be nice to have an app that records interesting and delicious places between friends. Taro seems to be very popular these days, so I’ve been using them for a while.

The technology stack used in the project is Taro+Taro UI. Now there are only the most basic login, registration, home page frame interface and background functions of registration, so don’t post the code first, let’s have a look at the interface first

After login, the UI is almost completely copied from wechat… Taro is comfortable to use. It features rich WebPack configuration, automatic integration of typescript and redux and MOBx libraries, and can run in RN, H5, and other applets. Since TARo-UI does not support RN, and the applets themselves have not applied for the application, we will only consider the H5

Future projects will be updated, including code, etc