A joke of fate

To lose her when you need her most

And where you least expect to see her

I am a yellow discriminator, and this is my story

The winter of 2013

There were many phenomenons in this year, such as Uncle Bird who danced on horseback, And Gong Linna who sang “Fa Hai doesn’t know love”. The one who had the greatest influence on me was Tang Maju, the yellow expert wearing a white vest.

Before he came along, I was a “content censor.” After he came along, I became what everyone called a “porn examiner.”

Although I don’t wear a white vest, I’m not bald, I’m not called Don Maju, and look at the sun, it’s not green.

As far as I know, 95 percent of my friends have changed my note name to “Yellow discriminator”.

There are also 13 warm-hearted friends who sent me all kinds of naive and charming High definition pictures of Tang Maju for my head picture.

That includes my girlfriend.

Sometimes we know it is a joke, but it is easy to take it seriously when there are too many people making a joke.

A lot of fate is doomed, are inadvertently left in the joke foreshadowing.

In the summer of 2014

Messi lost the World Cup at the Maracana stadium. I lost my girlfriend in endless overtime and bickering.

As a diehard football fan, I didn’t watch a single game that summer, and the football crowd laughed that he was at work and had seen enough.

I’ve seen enough of it. From irritation to numbness to nausea, it doesn’t take long. But the scarier thing than seeing enough is having enough.

You can work overtime for a week. You can forget my birthday. You were indispensable to me, but now I’m fed up with it.”

She said so, but I always felt that the real reason she left me was because I was a “yellow discriminator”.

“Is your boyfriend Don Majour?”

“He’s seen so many romantic action movies. You should be happy.”

“Give me your boyfriend QQ number, beg seed!”

These jokes and teasing, may be the last straw.

I understand her.

She was admitted to the postgraduate computer major as she wished and left me naturally.

I wish her well.

If “yellow mirror master” also has the original sin, then the first one is probably “not understood” it!

I’m playing bubble in my headphones, and I hope one day, she’ll understand.

In the spring of 2017

It was spring again, and I seemed to forget her.

The popularity of live streaming and the rise of short videos have made the day-to-day censorship work even more onerous.

I was in a state of flux.

From sensory stimulation to commonplace, those sounds and sounds have long been lost, the ferocity and lust on the screen, is my practice.

However, there are fewer and fewer fellow travelers around, which is always worrying. Among the audit team that once filled an office, only a few of them could stick to it except me, an absolute “old man”.

See me this supervisor, will become “smooth commander”.

There are fewer people and more work. Less hair, more overtime.

It’s okay to be tired, but despite that, the company was interviewed by the authorities about the offending content.

Rectification, punishment, removal of shelves… Slowly turned into my nightmare, I can’t breathe.

Originally the most terrible is not exhausted, is already exhausted, but still do not want the result.

I thought about giving up, but I always remembered what I said to her on the day we broke up:

“It’s all my fault, and I shouldn’t ignore you because OF my insistence. But some insistence needs to be insisted. I hope one day you will understand me.”

Then I found that I did not forget her, but I forgot to think of her.

What is my insistence?

In the summer of 2018

Another World Cup. The king of plum ball kept his beard and “panicked”. I still stuck to the post of content review and pretended to be calm.

The content blowout brought by savage growth makes the task of content review gradually become “unbearable for life”. Along with that, technology has evolved.

“AI audit”, “audio yellow” is nothing new. My enthusiastic friends who sent me “Tang Maju’s avatar” began to worry about whether I, a “yellow discriminator”, would be “eliminated by robots”.

At the same time, more and more companies are being punished for content violations.

Our company was interviewed again.

In the face of other manufacturers were “off the shelf”, “permanently shut down” of severe punishment, the boss a little restless.

Will voluntarily shut down for cover?

Or will it attract more yellow examiners?

Or just let a robot do it for you?

Behind these problems are a series of more issues such as human cost and operational risk. Years of perseverance and hard work can be destroyed by one mistake.

Cyber security is no small matter. Know that responsibility is heavy, but powerless.

How to do?

In the autumn of 2018

Dozen of chicken blood bite teeth, straight days cool good autumn.

The exciting thing happened on this Monday morning.

I audited the “you know” stuff, as USUAL, and —

I can’t believe I saw my ex-girlfriend.

Don’t get the wrong idea. Her pretty face is certainly not part of my “job description.”

“Long time no see, did not expect you still insist on your insist!”

I knew the voice so well that I turned my head and saw her smiling beside me.


“No more talking, let’s have dinner tonight. See you at the usual place.”

It’s the same shop, the same cat, the same lady

Five years on, business as usual.

We tacit understanding of each other’s favorite dishes, but do not know where to start.

“Do you still review content?”


“I also do content moderation.”


“I am in seven niuyun artificial intelligence laboratory, but this time to help you!”


“We train artificial intelligence to identify content, and we have a product called Bright Pupil that can accurately identify pornography, violent terrorism, and politically sensitive people. With the help of our product, your burden should be relieved a lot.”


SOUL, Autohome, Jelly Bean, and many other well-known companies are our customers. Our recognition accuracy is 99%, and even some experienced drivers can’t beat that.”


“Hey, don’t worry, I am not come to steal your job, is to influence the dalai. Our” bright pupil “can help you save 80% ~ 90% of the labor cost, not only don’t have to worry about shorthanded, artificial intelligence, at the same time you 1 hour to complete audit quantity of a month, also can put your liberation from the repeated heavy audit work. See you this black eye before did not work overtime……………………………..

“Can I still be indispensable to you?”

She looked down and smiled:

“Let’s have breakfast tomorrow.”

Lose her when you need her most

And meet her again when I need her most

The hardest “not understood”

It turns out to be understandable

Serious enough, is not afraid of the fate of the joke

I still have my persistence, I have a new persistence

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Immediately experience seven niuyun “Bright pupil” content security