My company members are divided into boss -> general manager -> group leader -> group members, a total of four parts, I will introduce the personnel of our company for you

Graph TD boss --> General manager --> Group A leader general manager --> Group B leader general manager --> Group C leader, now group A leader --> I group A leader --> front end group A leader --> 2 members of group C combined, one in front and one in back Group B leader --> group B members C group leader, now bucket -> disbanded
  • Boss: One man is the boss of the whole company

  • Part-time technical director, general manager: but technology doesn’t work, the boss always want to replace it, but don’t know what he means, each time can get the new technical director to go, there is something wrong with the ability to understand, love to work overtime, what always want to prove to the boss, but every time all screwed up, and the department’s director of product abandon each other, cooking chicken pecking each other!

  • Group A leader: Inherited the boss and general manager of all skills, have the fishing again at the same time, lazy, jilt pot talent, such as a set of a set of press team members, their fishing in a set of a set of code written like shit, technology is the leader of one of the most food inside, r&d manager also always thought he had a good technology, he and manager of research and development, the same rotten tastes, Every day the task directly randomly assigned, write their own shit mountain directly randomly thrown to a person, never regardless of the group, only their own interests

  • Group B leader: buys food for his team members every three or four times, cares about his team members, is meticulous, model leader, technology guru, codereview from time to time, checks code quality, puts forward effective suggestions to team members, and does everything by himself.

  • Leader of group C: Fish monster, Yang Gu King, know fish from day to day, technical master, clear code, high quality, orderly.