Source code read preface

In order to help more interested in the source code, want to learn to read the source code, improve their writing and front-end technology ability of the students. Help readers to lay a solid foundation, check omissions and fill gaps, broaden their horizons, broaden their horizons, know what is what.

I organized a weekly reading session where we learned about 200 lines of source code together. I have written “learning source code overall architecture series” more than 20.

Jia is welcome to participate in the source code reading activity through ruoChuan12 and learn about 200 lines of source code every week to make progress together. You can keep following me @Ruogawa.

Recommend learning order from easy to difficult

Activity introduction and sequence see here specifically from easy to difficult recommended learning order

Submit notes

In brief: look at tasks, read auxiliary articles, read source code, exchange and discuss, write notes in nuggets, and submit them to the comments section of this article after writing.

Task Release Time

February 21st – February 27th, one week. Generally a weekly issue of source code. Study at your own pace and submit notes (it doesn’t have to be strictly on my schedule). Previous reading can also be reviewed in time, notes can continue to complete.

Learning goals

  1. The Vue2 source code contains dozens of utility functions in the shared module
  2. How to learn good code and ideas from source code and put them into your own projects
  3. How to learn JavaScript basics, will recommend a lot of learning materials
  4. I share some experience
  5. , etc.

Learning task

  • Those who have not used VUE2 can also learn, there are a lot of basic knowledge to review and consolidate.
  • Read the article: beginners can understand Vue2 source code in those practical basic tool functions
  • Check out vscode online at…
  • Packaged utility functions…