! [](https://p6-juejin.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-k3u1fbpfcp/905d75209a474fd98a850f5fff22f7f3~tplv-k3u1fbpfcp-watermark.image)

1024 is coming soon, Mr. Tech is going to invite lovely program yuan little sister out to play together, invite SMS has been sent, the goddess replied to me like this:

I tried everything, but I couldn’t figure it out.

Can only ask for advice online you god, look at the little sister’s reply is what?

If you know the answer, please send it to the background of a push institute of Technology official account, save Mr. Tech love bar **. ** As a thank you, Mr. Tech will send the following gifts:


A secret thank-you

1, IKBC RX-78-2 Gundam mechanical keyboard cherry cherry shaft red shaft 1

2. Huawei Glory bracelet 5:2 heart rate monitors for 24 hours

3, palace fashion heated mouse pad 5

4. 7 rare edition mugs


Thank channel

1. Participation:

Scan the qr code below to follow the public account of The Institute of Technology, and reply the answer in the background. If the answer is correct, the system will send the entrance of the lottery automatically. Click to participate in the lottery.

2. Lottery drawing Time:

** The winners will be randomly selected by the ** system at 13:00 on October 27, 2020.

3. Prize collection Method:

Please fill in the receipt information in the lottery assistant within 48 hours. We will mail the prize to you within 7 working days.

Note: The right of interpretation belongs to Jitui.

The steps and answers will be published on October 27.

Join the quiz and win the secret gift! I wish everyone a happy 1024!

Secretly tell you oh, if you have no idea, you can reply “clue” in the background of the public account, maybe there will be clues to solve the problem.