CTRL + Shift + U Case conversion

CTRL + Alt + B What are the implementation classes of the current interface

CTRL + H opens the implementation class window for the current class

Ctrl+Alt+M selects code extraction as a method

Ctrl+ Click on the method or class to access the Ctrl+ O override method in the parent class

Ctrl+Alt+ Click on the method or class to enter the subclass

Double-click Shift to search for the class or method you want

Ctrl+ Shift+ F search method or configuration information in this project (note that it will conflict with qq shortcut keys)

Ctrl+N input the class to search, the class to search included in the JAR, need to check “include non – project ITMS” option, you can search out

CTRL +7 to view all methods in the current class in Intellij IDEA

Alt +1 closes the project page

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