MAC version of their own IDEA shortcut keys, record, at any time to refer to.

The ubiquitous jump

Command + number key: Opens the sidebar or bottom bar of the number identifier.

Alt + Command + [or] : Switches to the previous project window.

Shift + Command + A: Searches for commands

Command + E: The most recently opened file

Shift + Command + E: Recently edited file

Shift + Command + delete: Jumps to the previous edit position

Alt + Command + <- / -> : Jumps to previous/next browsing location

F2: Jump to the wrong location.

F11: Add to bookmark

Command + F11 + number: Add to bookmark X

CTRL + Number: Jump to corresponding bookmark

Shift + F11: Display all bookmarks

Alt + Shift + F: Add to Favorites. It can be a class or a method.

Command + G: indicates the number of lines to jump

Accurate search

Command + N: search class

Shift + Command + N: Search for files

CTRL + Shift + cCommand + N: Search symbol (match method name or field name)

CTRL + Shift + F: Searches for strings under projects, modules, or specified directories

Command + Shift + +/- : folds code

live template

PSVM: Generates the main method

Iter: iteration

PSF: public static final

psfi : public static final Integer $var1$ = $var2$;

psfs : public static final String $var1$ = "$var2$";

ps : private String $var1$;


/** * $var1$ */
private String $var2$;
Copy the code

pi : private Integer $var1$;


/** * $var1$ */
private Integer $var2$;
Copy the code

st : String

Tna: throw new AppException(“$var1$”);










Alt + Enter: Artifact, different positions have different functions.


Shift + F6: Rename

Command + F6: Method refactoring


Alt + Command + v: complete code; Extraction is method variable;

Alt + command + C: extract as static member variable;

Alt + Command + F: extract as a member variable

Alt + command+ P: extract method parameters

Alt + command+ M: extract into a method;

The editor

Command + Z: Undo

Shift + Command + Z: Restore

Alt + Command + L: Format code

Alt + Command + O: Optimize packet guide

Command + F: Finds text

Command + R: Replaces text

Alt + / : code prompt

Command + X: Cut lines

Command + Y: Deletes a line

Command + D: Copies lines

Command + / : single-line comment

Shift + Command + / : Multi-line comment

Shift + Command + up/ Down: The selected code moves up and down

Command + F4: closes the current TAB

Shift + Command + T: Create a test case for a class

Shift + Command + U: Case conversion

SHIFT + ALT + U: Hump, underline, middle bar format conversion

Command + Alt + T: use a try catch, if esle… Surrounded by the code

CTRL + N: Intelligent insert

CTRL + Command + G: Column operation

Alt + -> : Moves the cursor to the end of the word

Shift + Alt + -> : Select the end of the word

Command + -> : Moves the cursor to the end of the line

Shift + Command + -> : Select to end of line

Command +. : Folds code


Command + F8: Add breakpoints

Shift + F9: Debug runs

Shift + F10: Run

CTRL + Alt + R: JRebel debug runs

F7: Access method

F8: a single step

F9: Resume (Skip to the next breakpoint)

Shift +command + F8: View all breakpoints. At the breakpoint location, tests the condition for setting the breakpoint

Alt + F8: expression evaluation

Alt + F9: Run to the cursor

During debug, select a variable and press F2: to set the value for the variable.

  1. chart

Command + F12: View structures (such as class methods and member variables)

Alt + Shift + Command + U: Show structure diagram (Maven dependency diagram or class diagram)

CTRL + H: Show the hierarchy of classes.

CTRL + Alt + H: Displays the calling relationship of methods


F5: Copies files to the current directory

F6: Moves a file to a specified directory

Command + c: Copy the file name

Shift + comand + c: Copy the full path name of the file

Alt + Shift + comand + c: Copy the reference path of the class

Command +, : Opens the Settings

command + ; : Opens project Settings