IDEA plugin that programmers are using (constantly updated)


The plug-in set


Camel and underline names are converted to each other. Usage: Select the change and use the shortcut key Shift+Alt+U.


Translation plug-in, now support Google Translation, Youdao translation.


For debugging style, change style, Chrome automatically corresponding changes to the changed effect, even refresh without IDEA has been integrated

MarkDown Navigator

Very useful editor that requires (or purchase activation) to use


Hot-deployed plug-ins that require (or purchase activation) to use


Provide code specification inspection (optional installation, Alibaba’s specification is quite good)

Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

Alibaba Java specification plug-in…


God editor, familiar with vim editor can be installed and used (personal use)

Maven Helper

Maven relies on features like analysis


Static analysis tool



Key promoter X

Displays shortcuts for clicking a feature option (if any)


.ignore file support

JVM Debuger Memory View

Debug: Checks that the IDEA object in memory has been integrated

CMD Support

CMD file support

Batch Scripts Support

Windows batch script support


Linux support Bash

Docker integration

Docker support

JMH plugin

JMH benchmarks support plug-ins

ANSI Highlighter

Log file highlighting supported


Quickly jump to the Error position in the log file


Restful tool set, support URL navigation to corresponding methods under SpringMVC, etc.


Preview text, see sublime

Lombok plugin

Lombok necessary. GitHub


I don’t want to explain

Background Image Plus

Setting the background image


Redis client (charge)

Mongo Plugin

Mongo client

VisualVM Launcher

Start VisualVM at runtime and tune the JVM


Generates all set method calls to an object and assigns default values


Mybatis code automatic generation plug-in (charge)

Easy Code

Code generation plug-in based on IntelliJ IDEA development, support custom arbitrary templates (Java, HTML, JS, XML).

IDEA Mind Map

IDEA mind mapping tool


Generate sequence diagrams for method invocations

Intellij IDEA shows the SequenceDiagram plug-in for invoking the SequenceDiagram

Material Theme UI

Eye comfort theme

String Manipulation

String processing, providing hump, underscore, Base64, MD5

JUnit Generator V2.0

Quickly generate unit test classes

Set the method

  1. The Output Path: ${SOURCEPATH} /.. /.. /test/java/${PACKAGE}/test/${FILENAME}

  2. Default Template: Junit 4

  3. Junit 4 content

######################################################################################## ## ## Available variables: ## $entryList.methodList - List of method composites ## $entryList.privateMethodList - List of private method composites  ## $entryList.fieldList - ArrayList of class scope field names ## $entryList.className - class name ## $entryList.packageName - package name ## $today - Todays date in MM/dd/yyyy format ## ## MethodComposite variables: ## $ - Method Name ## $method.signature - Full method signature in String form ## $method.reflectionCode - list of strings representing commented out reflection code to access method (Private Methods) ## $method.paramNames - List of Strings representing the method's parameters' names ## $method.paramClasses - List of Strings representing the method's parameters' classes ## ## You can configure the output class name using "testClass" variable below. ## Here are  some examples: ## Test${entry.ClassName} - will produce TestSomeClass ## ${entry.className}Test - will produce SomeClassTest ## ######################################################################################## ## #macro (cap $strIn)$strIn.valueOf($strIn.charAt(0)).toUpperCase()$strIn.substring(1)#end ## Iterate through the list and generate testcase for every entry. #foreach ($entry in $entryList) #set( $testClass="${entry.className}Test") ## package ${entry.packageName}.test; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; /** * ${entry. ClassName} Tester. ** @author Switch * @version 1.0 */ public class $testClass {@before public void init() throws Exception { } @After public void destroy() throws Exception { } @Test public void test${entry.className}()  { } #foreach($method in $entry.methodList) /** * * Method: $method.signature * */ @Test public void test#cap(${})() throws Exception { } #end #foreach($method in $entry.privateMethodList) /** * * Method: $method.signature * */ @Test public void test#cap(${})() throws Exception { #foreach($string in $method.reflectionCode) $string #end } #end } #endCopy the code
  • Summarize a few good plug-ins with reference to IDEA
  • Refer to IntelliJ IDEA excellent plug-in (general programming)
  • Refer to the Intellij IDEA Top10 plug-in that Java engineers must have at home
  • Refer to Intellij IDEA to display the SequenceDiagram plug-in