Because the main building uses IDEA development, but the work project is eclipse development Web project, need to import the old Eclipse development project idea, looked up a lot of information, do not understand, finally found a good blog reference.


1 Download the Eclipse project to a local folder

2 Open IDEA and import the project

3 Configure the project environment and structure

4 configure Tomcat

5 Start the project and the access is successful


6 Package JavaWeb projects into WAR packages using IDEA

1 Components of the WAR package

  • WebContent :(equivalent towebapp/webRoot) means it is a Web project, which mainly stores front-end code, web.xml, lib, etc.
  • Classes directory: the binary of compiled Java files.(.class) This is where the background logic is controlled.

Summary: There is a folder called WEB-INF in the WebContent directory. We put the Classess files into this folder and packaged the whole WebContent directory to form the war package we used for tomcat release.

2 Implementation Operations