[Chen Xi to work hard] : hello, I am Chen Xi, very glad you can read, nickname is to hope that they can continue to improve, toward excellent programmers! The blog comes from the summary of the problems encountered in the project and programming, and occasionally THERE will be reading and sharing. I will update the Summary of relevant knowledge points such as Java front end, background, database and project case successively. Thank you for your reading and attention. We quarrymen, with the heart of the cathedral, may we go to our respective loves…

📖 how to run SpringBoot project, click the picture can be enlarged to see carefully

☕️Java compilation tool and environment:

 IDEA      JDK18.     MySQL8. 0      Maven
Copy the code

Step 1: Configure Maven

Step 1: Open the project with IDEA and prepare to configure the Maven environment. Of course, if maven is not configured locally, use the default configuration of IDEA

Steps for Configuring Maven

🎩 case 1: If maven is not configured locally, keep the default Settings as follows (if maven is not configured, ignore case 2).

🎩 Case 2: If the Maven repository address has been configured locally, change it to your local Maven address in the red box above

If I have configured the Maven repository

The Maven repository has been configured locally at 🌊: Three reference configuration cases, one is a directory, one is an XML file, one is the jar package address

📝 Because I have the Maven environment locally, the configuration changes here are suitable for me locally

Step 2: Configure the JDK environment

🎩 If your code goes viral, check to see if the Java runtime environment is configured

Find where to configure the JDK and configure the JDK environment on your computer

Check some related directories and change them to something related to JDK1.8 For the above configuration, click Apply and then OK. After executing, click the refresh button on the right side of the picture several times

☕️ if the red, click the refresh symbol many times, you can also perform precompilation, after the execution of the dependency will be downloaded to the local

🚀 the cause of the explosion: Local dependency package is missing, need to download, click the refresh symbol will download

Step 3: Check the database configuration

📝 [configuration file] SpringBoot project find the ApplicationyML file

☕️ Check whether the database name, database account, and database password are consistent with the local MySQL database and MySQL library

    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    url: jdbc:mysql: / / /cwgl?characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=UTC
    username: root
    password: root
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Note: If the login fails, troubleshoot the database connection problem first

Initialize data

MySQL > create database with NavicatThe name must be the same as the name in the configuration file

Copy our SQL file into the new query and click Run

Run the project

🚀 Page Inputhttp://localhost:8080/You can visit

For the login account and password, see Database Initialization DataCopy the code

Add: Configure path access for different projects

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📚 may we rush to each other’s love!