As the saying goes, “to do a good job, must first sharpen its tools”, a timely IDE will let programmers in the development of the time twice the result with half the effort. And with the popularity of the Jetbrains bucket, more and more Java programmers are turning to IDEA. But how to make better use of it? This article has removed all but the most useful shortcuts, and is a quick start for beginners to learn.

Code article

As the name suggests, shortcuts in this section will give you intelligent hints to improve your coding efficiency.

First, idea is automatically prompted to complete when you code (no shortcut keys required) :

Operations on rows:

Ctrl + D: Copies the current line

Ctrl + Y: Delete the current line

File, class name, function name, attribute name rename when:

Shift+F6: All relevant parts will be replaced intelligently

Ctrl+Alt+L: Format code

The project structure

In addition to coding, as we write more and more code (or look at other people’s code) we need to look at some information to help us understand. Here are some of the ones I use most often:

Ctrl+ Shift +Alt+U: View the dependencies of the class in the topology view. Read the source artifact! Watch my demo below:

Ctrl+F12: View the members of the current class

Ctrl+Alt+B: class that implements this interface

Ctrl+Alt+ left mouse button: View several classes that implement this method (most scenarios are interface oriented, so clicking directly is an abstract method)

Ctrl+B: Quickly see where this field has been used

The use of shortcut keys is easy to choose and commonly used, remember not to abuse. After mastering the above shortcuts, you can deal with daily development.