IDEA automatically compiles without every Build

Everyone keeps saying that the company is using Intellij Idea, which is the best Java development software, but I’m personally a little overwhelmed by its speed. Get fed up and repost this article to fix this problem.

I always feel that IDEA compiles more slowly than Eclipse. Eclipse compiles automatically every time you save it and doesn’t recompile at all if the code doesn’t change when you run it, but IDEA is convenient because it compiles every time.

(1) Enable automatic compilation

Please note: In general, we should run in debug mode

(2) Modify the configuration information

Templates ->Application option has been modified, with "make" removed under "Before Launch"

(2) The restart operation is shown in the figure

That’s pretty much the end of the configuration, and the speed is whizzing up, so you don’t have to wait for it to Build every time

Reference action: Registry shortcut keyCTRL + Alt + shift + "/"

Close IDEA, restart, open the project, if the project has failed to compile, IDEA will default with red wavy lines automatically prompt. Now modify JS, HTML, CSS do not need to restart the project!