There is a business scenario where the id number is hashed. The last digit of the ID number may be an X. The id number can be treated as a base 11 data, and the transposition of the base 10 can be implemented in two ways, one from right to left:

        def computehash(x):
            res = 0
            reversedx = reversed(x)
            i = 0
            for c in reversedx:
                if c == 'x':
                    res += 10
                    res += int(c) * pow(10, i)
                i += 1
            return res
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This implementation requires the calculation of the POW every time, and there is an optimized algorithm that avoids the calculation of the POW from left to right:

    def computehash(x):
        res = 0
        for c in x:
            if c == 'x':
                res = res * 10 + 10
                res = res * 10 + int(c)
        return res
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Golang language version:

func computehash(x string) int { res := 0 for _,i := range x { if i == 'x' { res = res * 10 + 10 }else{ res = res * 10 +  int(i - '0') } } return res }Copy the code