Today’s news

Icos can only raise a maximum of $50 million

The EU has three principles for blockchain regulation

The number of certificates stored on blockchain storage platform exceeded 20 million

Bank of Hangzhou established the first fintech innovation laboratory

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Bank of Hangzhou established the first financial technology innovation laboratory of urban commercial bank in China

According to Shared Financial news, in order to effectively promote the construction of financial technology, Bank of Hangzhou has made a 3-year development plan this year, strengthened cooperation with Tencent, Aliyun, Hangzhou Big Data Operation Company (CITYDO) and Huawei, and jointly established the first financial technology innovation laboratory of urban commercial banks in China with Aliyun and CITYDO. Sharing and practicing new technologies such as distributed architecture, block chain, big data, artificial intelligence and mobile Internet platform. Drive innovation and development of financial services with science and technology, and constantly improve user satisfaction.

The EU has three principles for blockchain regulation

On November 26th, Moontec18- Nordic Blockchain Summit, the largest blockchain conference in the Nordic region, was held in Tallinn, Estonia. Dimitrios Pasrrakis, Economic and Monetary Policy Adviser of the European Parliament, said in his speech that the EU has three regulatory principles for blockchain: 1. The innovation principle, which is not to stifle innovation by over-regulation; Technology Neutrality — users should decide whether technology is good or bad. 3. Neutrality of business model. Consumers should decide whether a business model is good or bad, not startups or fintech companies. He believes that blockchain will bring fundamental changes to the EU’s energy, healthcare, supply chain and other fields.

Nigeria’s presidential candidates have promised to boost economic growth through blockchain and cryptocurrencies

In a policy document released by The Nigerian presidential candidate Atiku titled “Making Nigeria Work again,” Atiku promises that if he wins the presidential election in February, a key strategic priority for the government will be to promote economic growth through blockchain and cryptocurrency regulation.

Policy regulation

Paraguay has backed the creation of the world’s largest bitcoin mining farm

According to CCN, the Blockchain Technology Foundation recently completed negotiations with the Paraguayan government to establish a sizable institution — the world’s largest bitcoin mining ground and crypto exchange. The Paraguayan government will actively support the Commons Foundation’s golden goose project and provide tax incentives through constitutional changes.

SEC rules: A maximum of $50 million can be raised through an ICO

Based on a previous report, the SEC issued two regulations aimed at increasing the use of passwords, according to Coindoo. The rules made it possible for the company to raise $50 million through an ICO. These requirements are known as the Registration Ordinance.

Commercial application

The first blockchain storage platform recognized by the court has exceeded 20 million certificates

The preservation network is China’s first blockchain preservation platform recognized by the court, which exclusively supports China’s first blockchain preservation judicial precedent. According to official data released today, the number of security users has reached 1 million, with more than 20 million records saved. On June 28, the country’s first case with blockchain as evidence was pronounced in hangzhou Internet Court. It was learned from the court’s judgment that the whole case was based on the preservation network for evidence, evidence collection, solid evidence and sentencing. The preservation network belongs to Zhejiang Shuqin Science and Technology Co., LTD., which is committed to creating blockchain infrastructure for authentication, notarization, arbitration, copyright protection, technology and finance.

Rongke blockchain inbound authentication ensures the security of identity information

According to the news on November 26, Rongke blockchain uses point-to-point encryption technology at the bottom of the blockchain to enter the office identity authentication, and users can obtain “identity authentication” through the bottom technology of the blockchain. Compared with the existing model, it greatly improves transparency, security and efficiency compared to the traditional model.

Giant dynamic

Hong Kong’s second largest container port will use blockchain to speed up shipments

According to the South China Morning Post, Modern Terminals, Hong Kong’s second largest container port, has signed an agreement with TradeLens to leverage its blockchain maritime database to speed up shipments. TradeLens, a blockchain platform jointly developed by Danish shipping giant Maersk and IBM, is scheduled to launch by the end of this year.

Blockchain patent ranking Alibaba 90 ranked first

Recently, IPRdaily officially released the list of TOP100 global blockchain patent companies in 2018. According to the list data, more than half of the companies are Chinese, including BAT and huawei. Alibaba ranked first with 90 patents, followed by IBM and MasterCard with 89 and 80 patents, respectively. Tencent Technology ranked eighth in the top 10 with 40 patents, while Baidu ranked 40th.

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