To make a long story short:

The beginning of this year is some special, the epidemic caused a great impact on our lives, which for a job seeker, is added to a “difficult wall”, although, but we can not miss the golden three silver four opportunities, should seize must seize. Now many Internet companies have adopted the way of online interview, so prepare well in advance, send resume, smooth interview, will win the desired offer, and I finally achieved the success I want, Ali successfully 4 customs clearance.


Personal Information:

Was born in guangzhou, the local reading, stayed after graduating, record of formal schooling is undergraduate course, 211 qualifications all aspects are good, so in your resume can also fully embodies my own advantage, years ago, the sea have a resume, now has received a lot of companies to the olive branch, as long as the interview goes well, your choices basically is the company’s status.

The following main sharing experience and personal learning methods, will include many PDF documents, such as interview question bank (including answers + analysis), study notes, practical documents and brain maps, etc., can be freely shared, directly click on the document ([Shimo. Im/docs/QVGDhC…) is available for collection

A core interview question inside


In case you can’t see it clearly, I have arranged the above pictures into text for you!

Zgot forks a process into the main method of the Activity Thread, AMS, and Intrumention. You just talked about handler. What do you understand about handler? How do you implement a handler in Java

Second face of Ali:

2. Why did you choose Fresco as the framework for loading images? 3. Before, pixel data was stored in the Native layer, and later systems stored byte data in the Java layer. After 8.0, byte data was put back to Native, but it has its own recycling mechanism 4. You use CC framework componentization, why don’t you choose Ali’s Arouter framework, what’s the advantage of C? What questions are used in the process of use. What tools do you use for performance optimization? How to optimize cold startup? 7. 8. What outstanding contributions have you made to the company?

Three aspects of Ali:

What do you think is the most challenging part of your project? 2. How do you choose the technology selection? What efforts have you made to optimize the performance of the project you are in charge of how do you usually study? What are your career plans for the future


Due to the length problem, the answers to the interview questions are arranged in the PDF file. If you need the answers to the interview questions, you can get them for free by private letter

What have I done to prepare for the ali interview?

(a) adjust their attitude, the correct face of gains and losses

The common problem in the interview, mainly is the mentality, the interview adjustment mentality is the first, how to adjust into the best mentality? Many job seekers in the interview process their thinking is not clear, language is not fluent, speak illogically, will constantly deny themselves, in the final analysis is the interview mentality, so it is very important to adjust their mentality, the correct face of gains and losses, my method is to give myself enough psychological hint.

(2) Upgrade technology and broaden knowledge

For programmers, the only way to grow into a great man in the industry is to constantly improve their skills, broaden their knowledge, and reach a certain height and depth through learning. So how to improve their own technology, broaden their knowledge reserve?

The following are some of my personal practices, I hope to provide you with some help:

  • Read 346 pages of PDF in 31 days

I. Android part:

1. FragmentAndroid: FragmentAndroid Fragment 2 Dialog box & pop-up box & Notification & Suspension Window 3.Android UI control part of Android knowledge system summary Andorid part of Android control 4.Android system architecture 5 7.Android Network Programming 8. 9.Android special knowledge [do not know how to classification knowledge] 10.Android must master the wheel 11 Android job tools 16.Android job essential skills 17.18.Android cross-platform development

Ii. Java Part:

1.JVM 2.static 4.String. StringBuffer. StringBuilder 5. Exception handling 6. Inner classes 7. Polymorphism 8. Abstractions and interfaces 9. Collection framework 10. Reflection 11. Singleton 12. Thread 13. Volatile 14. Synchronized 15.Lock 16. Reference type 17. Dynamic proxy 18. Meta-annotation

Kotlin part

Kotlin Primer · Chapter 1 · Departure 2.Kotlin Primer · Chapter 2 · Basic Syntax 3.Kotlin Primer · Chapter 3 · Kotlin mixed with Java

4. Computer network

1. Computer network architecture 2.HTTP related 3. conclusion

5. Algorithm and data structure

1.Android data structure learning list 2.Android data structure learning array 3.Android data structure learning queue 4

6. The Flutter part

1. What is a Flutter? Dart language 4. Environment Configuration 5.Hello World 6 Routing 7. Widget 8. Layout 9. Animation 10. HTTP request 11. Spit ridicule knowledge summary

7, 2018-2020Android Advanced Interview questions

1. Java 2.Android 3. 5. Summary of non-technical questions &HR questions

  • MVP architecture +NDK audio +Flutter+Kotlin, etc

  • Other related ebooks: source code + tuning + interviews and so on

(3) brush the questions

How to brush questions? This is a lot of confusion in the mind of the interviewer now, we all know that it is necessary to brush questions before the interview, after all, many questions have certain commonalities, brush enough questions can do inferring, even in the interview, when asked the original question, can talk with ease, so how to brush questions? Suggestion: had better look for the interview of a few years original topic, cent special topic will undertake training to oneself.

Here are my personal interview questions:


The last point I want to emphasize for the interview is that your attitude is really important, which is the key to determine your performance in the interview process. If you can’t play well, you may lose the offer due to a small mistake, so you must pay attention to it. Another point to remind, full review, is the key to eliminate your nervous state of mind, but you review enough, the natural interview process will be much more confident.

All the learning materials and interview materials in the above content can be provided free of charge. I hope you can have a smooth interview and win your favorite offer!

Need a friend: directly click on the document window [Dachang Offer through trainGet it for free

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