The following contents are all from the message area of the article posted by shence Data official account in 2020.

To B, there is no shortage of pathfinders

@ Cai Yi

Ten years To B bitter as the sea! China To B from 2015 onwards, but did not see a “pig”! Due to the national conditions, the decision-making process is complex and the collection cycle is long. The public foundation is monopolized by BAT, and the viability of small and micro enterprises is weak.

@ duck duck

When you enter this industry, you will be most confident when you know 30%. When you know 70%, you will collapse completely. When you know 90%, you will find that the problem you are thinking about has already been thought about.


The second half of the Internet needs to pay attention to industry drive, the value of individual circle and small and micro enterprises will be constantly amplified, the group effect will be more obvious. Serve the team well, drive the individual by the group, make the group service by the individual demand, and realize the people-oriented C2B supply model.

@ nature conservancy council

As a fellow To B marketer, I have been in my field for five years and have been asking the most questions: What are the real concerns of enterprise user decision makers? How to balance the demand of enterprise size difference? How should the enterprise’s user operation attract new, active, retain and recall?

@ Jane

The development of the company is supported by talents, talents supported by technology, and technology evolved by innovators. Going from zero to one is never an easy road, but the road is never short of pathfinders.

Cash flow is blood

@ wheels

Any business that is not for profit is bullshit!

@ jie Ming

Most businesses are propped to death, few starve to death. You can laugh when you look at the contract amount, and you can cry when you look at the bill. Cash flow is like human blood, broken, enterprises will have a life and death problem. Do not place cash flow on financing, which itself is dancing on the tip of a knife, its own hematopoietic function must have.

Only the innovator advances, only the innovator wins

@ peng

Innovation is born in the market, from life.

@ Dream the world of mortals no

Something out of nothing and something out of nothing.

@ kirin

A better way to solve the same problem is innovation, like Tesla, Didi, SAP; Adding new challenges to an existing approach is innovation, as is Salesforce and Adobe. No matter how big or small, pushing boundaries is innovation: new approaches to old problems, new approaches to new problems.

@ Rango

The main reason people struggle financially is because they spent years in school and didn’t learn anything about money. To make students think about the relationship between learning and making money, and to let them see themselves, is innovation.

@ should be steel

Be realistic and then innovative, or be whimsical and then realistic? The decision on this question is left to chance.

@ 123456

It’s like a Rubik’s cube. Order 3 is spelled out according to the formula, and this is experience or the idea of how to solve the problem. On the basis of three steps, some people put together “hieroglyphics” and “patterns” according to their own thoughts, which is “creativity.” When more levels of rubik’s cube are combined with “creativity”, it is innovation, or the birth of order 4 and 5 rubik’s cube is innovation.

@ HuoYunDong

Innovation is the wisdom of entrepreneurs thinking, improving efficiency is the fruit of innovation, innovation is the performance of blood and genes, so that rivals can not see, look down on, do not understand, too late.

Thinking from the user’s point of view is like opening a new door


Customer demand is a dynamic process.

@ Aaron.W

The core of To B is To excavate the needs of customers, grow together with the needs of customers, respond quickly, and let customers treat you as one of their own, the same group of people doing the same thing. This ability To co-exist and win with customers is the moat of To B.

At the beginning of the @ kay

Customer needs you never feel clear, feel endless, even if you find out temporarily, he will change in a few days. It’s easy to get caught up in your perfect product implementation — maybe 20% of your time is spent developing new features, and 80% of your time is spent on requirements and BUG fixes.

@ dong-hai liu

To B start a business entry point should be sharp, let customers see your value, and finally let customers take the initiative To buy again. 5

The product is the product of the market

@ Wcof

Market, demand, and iteration are the swords of Damocles that hang over the head of a TO-B entrepreneur.

@ jie Ming

Do so many years of products, more and more can realize that the market is king, products are the products of the market, some products are sought after as soon as they are born, but also because the market has been waiting for its emergence.

@ Liu Changlin

TO B product growth strategy: First, product is king, the core of early growth is unmoved sales, product first; Second, product iteration should optimize core user experience, improve customer activation, and complete product market matching. Third, use the growth hacker model to optimize customer acquisition efficiency and payment conversion, improve customer fission, renewal and purchase, reduce customer loss, and improve customer growth and revenue growth from the whole chain.

@ vlon

In the real battlefield, it is a 90-point product to beat a 60-point product, but to do a 90-point product requires a 100-point talent!

@ flower

A good product is fundamental. A good product needs to realize the unification of user value and the company’s commercial value, so that the two can achieve mutual benefit and love growth. A good B-end product needs to meet the value pain point of user’s business efficiency.

@ Eric Zhang

To B, it requires long cycle iteration, patience and delayed gratification, so as To hone good products and services. I hope that in the next five years, with the national definition of data as a factor of production, enterprise services can achieve unexpected development speed.

To B is not buying tools, but long-term services

@ kin ok

Two things are critical in the To B industry: product functionality and customer education. Especially for traditional B-end clients, service must be placed in the first place. The quality of the service determines whether the customer will renew the contract, which determines whether the customer is willing to transfer the introduction. B-end inventory is always limited, so the service is the bridgehead to spread word of mouth.


Tools are only the means to achieve the solution. At the bottom, the way of thinking of organizations and people is changed. The introduction of SaaS is only the first step, and the successful application of SaaS is the goal.

The most important thing for @Dazhi TO B products is TO continuously deliver the perceived value TO customers. Based on the complexity of B-end scenarios, the solutions required by customers need multi-dimensional iterations such as new technology introduction, system innovation, product operation and influence of competing products, thus putting forward more requirements on the team and operation and management mechanism.

@ full force

Product or service? If have industry experience, can do standard. Starting from the product, after building trust and reputation with customers, expand big customers, do some customized services for big customers, and remove some reusable modules that most medium-sized enterprises can put into the product. If you do not have industry experience, you can do some projects to ensure the survival of the enterprise. If you have relevant industry experience, you can set up a new company specializing in creating standardized products. At the same time, you need to expand big customers to do some customized services.

Don’t “you think,” “Data think.”

@ adon

Data-driven is the key to the development of the Internet era!

@ Baron, Lee

When data analysis meets business scenarios, it’s like cumin meets barbecue, coriander meets beef. It’s so fragrant!

@ yuanchangguo data relatively objective public speaking, seeking truth from facts to make good use of enterprise data to support the company efficient operation, is the basic idea of enterprise management, in the competitive environment of enterprise in the process of changing fast alignment with the direction, and let the whole organization goals, unity cooperation, can achieve ideal to create value for the society!

@ luoxing

Data is critical to an enterprise’s ability to drive its business, whether it is data assistance before decision making or data validation after execution.

Corporate culture shapes genes

@ Tian Tian

Direct service customers, each member is a business card of the enterprise.

@ wood rain overnight

Organizational construction is an important tool for the implementation of enterprise strategy, which determines the allocation of resources, responsibility implementation and operational efficiency of enterprises.

@ your endeavors

Between the team sincere, the same desire; And investors directly express their feelings, directly sharpening the knife.

@ ni

Enterprises compete for production efficiency. To B people are the infrastructure of efficiency, To B people are the operator of efficiency, To B people are the maintenance of efficiency, To B people are the arms of commercial war. Enterprise production efficiency improvement is the opportunity and mission of To B people.

@ wang

Productization is the goal, standardization is the means, to achieve the extreme is the program of action, creating value is positive incentive.

@ Eric Zhang

Organization construction is a long-term project, which makes up for the limitations of individual time and ability: everyone has a time cycle in the organization. Only by keeping up with the pace of the organization can it produce resonance effect with the organization and make individuals enjoy it. The organization needs to control the overall situation, bring together the best people from different parts, make the system optimal, its goal is to maximize productivity.

At the helm, the ceiling of the company?

@ choi, o King

Cognition determines which direction to go, while heart determines how far to go.

@ liu

Entrepreneurs should be good at replicating and writing recipes, can say that will practice the real style. In the actual practice of entrepreneurship, continuous review, precipitation and iteration of organizational wisdom, promote the evolution and growth of enterprises.

@Zhaodong Play bar CEO

Summary is not a simple gathering of knowledge, but a reflection and improvement of self. A person who constantly improves his or her knowledge will be able to discover the real rules of the industry and lead his or her team to success sooner.

@ HuoYunDong

Every team you join is an investment. I will regard my new colleagues as investors, and the best relationship between us is mutual achievements. I will explain in detail how to combine the company’s vision and personal development in the orientation, and the basis for the existence of a team is that one plus one is greater than two. The best team condition is: obey the command, win the battle, good style.

Although thousands of people, I passed away

@ Harris

Entrepreneurship is the most gorgeous and exciting way of life in peacetime. Whether it succeeds or fails, it has maximized the depth and breadth of life.

@ Timothy.Y

In order to make clear who the service object is, the difference between B and C is that THE decision-making link of B is long, the user and the buyer are usually not the same person, and no irrational events will occur. To choose To B is To choose the most thorns in the road of entrepreneurship, walk over the scars, can not walk over the middle of death.

@ Zhao Wen Kevin

The company I founded celebrated its fifth birthday in March, and it is also in the field of enterprise services. To B, more linear growth requires more patience and long-termism. I hope we can do it for 30 years until retirement, because we will always love it.