Weird problem with ANTD component form validation

Access to the lot

The problem?

When the Input component is set to Disabled, validation reminders can also occur, which cannot be resolved perfectly by the lookup API, or which can result in one or other bizarre problems

To solve

  1. Forge a component that looks the same, but with the rules property removed.
  2. Add a custom key to the camouflage component

The instance


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import moment from "moment";
import { DatePicker, version } from "antd";
import "antd/dist/antd.css";

import {
} from "antd";
const FormItem = Form.Item;
const Option = Select.Option;
const AutoCompleteOption = AutoComplete.Option;

const residences = [
    value: "zhejiang",
    label: "Zhejiang",
    children: [
        value: "hangzhou",
        label: "Hangzhou",
        children: [
            value: "xihu",
            label: "West Lake"
    value: "jiangsu",
    label: "Jiangsu",
    children: [
        value: "nanjing",
        label: "Nanjing",
        children: [
            value: "zhonghuamen",
            label: "Zhong Hua Men"}]}]; class RegistrationForm extends React.Component { state = { confirmDirty:false,
    isDisabled: true,
    autoCompleteResult: []
  handleSubmit = e => {
    this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => {
      if(! err) { console.log("Received values of form: ", values); }}); }; handleClickBtn = () => { this.props.form.resetFields(['email']) this.setState({ isDisabled: ! this.state.isDisabled }); }; handleConfirmBlur = e => { const value =; this.setState({ confirmDirty: this.state.confirmDirty || !! value }); }; compareToFirstPassword = (rule, value, callback) => { const form = this.props.form;if(value && value ! == form.getFieldValue("password")) {
      callback("Two passwords that you enter is inconsistent!");
    } else{ callback(); }}; validateToNextPassword = (rule, value, callback) => { const form = this.props.form;if (value && this.state.confirmDirty) {
      form.validateFields(["confirm"], { force: true });
  handleWebsiteChange = value => {
    let autoCompleteResult;
    if(! value) { autoCompleteResult = []; }else {
      autoCompleteResult = [".com".".org".".net"].map(
        domain => `${value}${domain}`); } this.setState({ autoCompleteResult }); };render() { const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form; const { autoCompleteResult } = this.state; const formItemLayout = { labelCol: { xs: { span: 24 }, sm: { span: 8 } }, wrapperCol: { xs: { span: 24 }, sm: { span: 16}}}; const tailFormItemLayout = { wrapperCol: { xs: { span: 24, offset: 0 }, sm: { span: 16, offset: 8 } } }; const prefixSelector = getFieldDecorator("prefix", {
      initialValue: "86"
      <Select style={{ width: 70 }}>
        <Option value="86">+86</Option>
        <Option value="87">+87</Option>

    const websiteOptions = => (
      <AutoCompleteOption key={website}>{website}</AutoCompleteOption>

    return( <Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="E-mail"Disabled > <Button onClick={this.handleclickbtn}> click 123</Button> </FormItem> {this.state. IsDisabled? ( <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="E-mail" key="self"> <Input disabled /> </FormItem> ) : ( <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="E-mail">
            {getFieldDecorator("email", {
              disabled: true,
              rules: [
                  type: "email",
                  message: "The input is not valid E-mail!",
                  disabled: true
                  required: true,
                  message: "Please input your E-mail!"} ] })(<Input />)} </FormItem> )} <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="Password">
          {getFieldDecorator("password", {
            rules: [
                required: true,
                message: "Please input your password!"
                validator: this.validateToNextPassword
          })(<Input type="password"/>)} </FormItem> <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="Confirm Password">
          {getFieldDecorator("confirm", {
            rules: [
                required: true,
                message: "Please confirm your password!"
                validator: this.compareToFirstPassword
          })(<Input type="password"onBlur={this.handleConfirmBlur} />)} </FormItem> <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label={ <span> Nickname&nbsp; <Tooltip title="What do you want others to call you?">
                <Icon type="question-circle-o" />
          {getFieldDecorator("nickname", {
            rules: [
                required: true,
                message: "Please input your nickname!",
                whitespace: true} ] })(<Input />)} </FormItem> <FormItem {... tailFormItemLayout}> {getFieldDecorator("agreement", {
            valuePropName: "checked"
              I have read the <a href="">agreement</a> </Checkbox> )} </FormItem> <FormItem {... tailFormItemLayout}> <Buttontype="primary" htmlType="submit">

const WrappedRegistrationForm = Form.create()(RegistrationForm);

  <div style={{ margin: 24 }}>
    <p style={{ marginBottom: 24 }}>
      Current antd version: {version} <br />
      You can change antd version on the left panel (Dependencies section).
    <WrappedRegistrationForm />
  document.getElementById("root"));Copy the code

The key code

{this.state.isDisabled ? ( <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="E-mail" key="self"> <Input disabled /> </FormItem> ) : ( <FormItem {... formItemLayout} label="E-mail">
            {getFieldDecorator("email", {
              disabled: true,
              rules: [
                  type: "email",
                  message: "The input is not valid E-mail!",
                  disabled: true
                  required: true,
                  message: "Please input your E-mail!"
              })(<Input  />)}
Copy the code