I spent the first half of this year at home due to the epidemic. In February, when I was carefree and stayed at home, I found that my classmates had found offers. My heart began to panic a little. I thought I would take the entrance exam in March if I could go back to school, but I never thought about this holiday until September. At home also tried to take a postgraduate entrance examination, oneself still can not bear the loneliness of a person to study, gave up. On the road to find a job.

In March, I started to submit my resume. I found several internal tweets on Niuke.com and submitted my resume to Tencent and Alibaba. (PS: I don’t know who gave me the courage at that time). I thought my resume was impossible to pass screening, but every resume I sent actually received an interview notice. (PS: Maybe it was an internship.)

Without exception, each of them ended in failure, with the maximum length of two bytes. My ability did not reach the standard of their company. In July, I still didn’t receive any offer from a company. After summarizing the interview before the semester began, I felt that I was aiming too high, always floating in the air instead of standing underground, and the foundation was still not firmly laid. At the end of July, I randomly found a 5K internship to make a living first, and then settled down to learn basic knowledge and brush all kinds of big factories. There was also a project in the company to learn and summarize. A new round of deliveries began in October.

Meituan, Zhihu, Bilibili, Pinduoduo, JINGdong. After waiting for a long time, no one invited me to do the written test and interview. I really thought that I could not catch the tail of Qiu Zhao at that time. Can only comfort themselves said: their ability is not enough, refuel, spring recruit must enter the factory.

When I was about to give up, Meituan sent me an interview notice, which started my dream interview process. I had one interview on Monday, two on Thursday and three on Friday, and received the offer notice in the evening. It really is like a dream. Of course, I can clearly feel that after 3 months of interview preparation, compared to before, I became very confident. Before the interview, the interviewer asked a question, even if he knew the answer, he had to be stunned for 2-3 seconds before he could recover. But now, I can not only calmly answer all the interviewer’s questions, but also make derivation and own understanding on the question. Now I have got the offer of Meituan, and I am satisfied with my educational background (see many big guys on Niuke.com will continue to interview other big companies even if I get the offer). For me, if I want a better choice, what I should do now is seize the moment, make achievements, constantly improve my skills, and then take it to the next level.

Next, I will share my four sides of the United States with you to see, before several large factories will not share out, anyway, have not supported 2 sides, personal feel that the reference is not significant.

Beautiful group side:

The interviewer is interested in my project, so ask questions from that project (so when you write your resume, you can do some guidance in the project, let the interviewer, you are good at the technical point up to ask). 1. How to mine information and why to extract such information (project questions) 2. Deadlock condition, how to break deadlock? 3. A deadlock by hand? 4. What are the causes of slow network? How to solve them respectively? 5. Enter the URL. 6. The page keeps circling after you enter the URL. How to solve it? 7. How to speed up response? How to speed up parsing? 8. Code problem: A change similar to (123455) into “123,455” 9. ask

Meituan Second Side:

Self introduction 1. Handler mechanism source code 2. Threadlocal principle 3.Android IPC 4. What is object oriented? What is object oriented better than process oriented

Meituan Three Sides (HR side)

1. Introduce the specific work in the internship and explain the concept of one of the techniques 2. What is the most regrettable thing during the undergraduate period? 3. What do you value in your company’s culture? Why didn’t you stay in the company where YOU practiced? 6. I have some winning experience in competitions. 7. Ask

The learning

Interviews can really improve their knowledge of a lot of big factory tolerance of fresh graduates is really very high, they will not fail you because you do not have project experience, you will not fail you because you do not have internship experience, you will not fail you because you do not have competition experience. ** If you don’t have any of these, the interviewer will talk about the basics of computer networks, operating systems, and how computers work. You need to know enough to pass the interview. ** Once in an interview, the interviewer discussed TCP connection with me. When the client and server established three handshakes, the client was suddenly disconnected from the network. At this time, will the server know that the client was disconnected? Then the client network recovered, still need to establish TCP three – way handshake? Are there going to be four waves? At that time, I was a little confused by this question (this is the second time I asked this question, and I tried to find the answer to this question later, but I didn’t understand it very deeply, some friends who know can explain it to me).

Dachang’s investigation of the basic knowledge of computer is really in-depth. After a second thought, it is true that the basic knowledge of computer is firmly mastered, and it is really quick to contact new knowledge. The knowledge of computer is updated very quickly, which requires continuous learning. The basics are really important.

Therefore, although I failed in several interviews with large factories before, I made a lot of summaries and made a clear study plan, which made me feel very relaxed in the interview. Next, I will share my study plan and notes with you, hoping you can get some inspiration and help. (If you need a complete document, you can click “like” + any comment, and get it on Github!)

Learning path(Click image for full view) Study notes(Due to the length of the screen shots will not be shown one by one)

Due to the length of the article, all the contents of the document will not be shown in screenshots one by one. Each document has more than 500+ pages, and each module is very detailed. If you need a complete document, you can click “like” and any comments, then come to my Github to get it!

The last

It is true that a degree is a stepping stone, but what you are like after knocking on the door determines your altitude. For me, either lucky or hard work, I still have a long way to go on the career path of programmer. I know that my education is not enough, so I need to work hard, which is a process from 0 to 1. Otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to knock on the door one day, you will be rejected.

It ends with a quote from James Gosling, the father of Java: “If one day he stops learning, his career begins to die.” This is not what alarmist strange language, saw this sentence has become my personal creed, this sentence will always inspire me, I hope we encourage each other!