When you want to get bonuses at the end of the year, when you want to take out beautiful data at the end of the year, when you want to sum up your abilities at the end of the year, what can determine the boss’s evaluation of you is mostly your performance and state at the end of the year, and the summary report at the end of the year is the most important.

Typically, year-end reviews need charts and data to help others understand what you’ve done, but the former is a big part of it, and even the first glance at the chart can give your boss an amazing feeling:

But others say the visualizations are so cool now that they feel a little out of the plain and flat style.

Either way, there is no problem. Some people prefer dark and cool, while others prefer light and simple.

Tools to keep your boss happy.

FineReport and FineBI are both visual helpers. Who are they suitable for?

Because I do IT, SO I know how to code, such as SQL is easy, so FineReport is more suitable.

If you’re someone who knows nothing but Excel, FineBI is perfect. It’s much simpler.

Let’s take a look at two tool templates that are basically reusable:

Who doesn’t want a bonus at the end of the year? Don’t want approval from your boss? Don’t want a big year-end bonus? Data analysis to help you, software to make you twice the result!

The following describes the differences between the two tools:

Data analysis visualization FineBI

BI analysis tool most commonly used by individuals, used to think this tool is very simple and stupid. Operation is similar to Tableau, drag and drop analysis fields to generate charts, charts are automatically recommended, accurate and intelligent. Basically do not need to write functions, built-in a variety of computing functions, data filtering filtering conditions. Built in some basic regression, predictive data mining capabilities, making visual dashboards easy. Free for personal use.

Here is an example of how to make a visual map with FineBI to show FineBI:

Step 1: Extract data

In fact, it is to upload the prepared Excel to FineBI platform. Fortunately, FineBI can support more than 30 kinds of database tables, multidimensional databases, program data sets and other data sources, which can be said to be very convenient.

Upload data

Step 2: Create dashboards for visual map editing

After data extraction is complete, add another dashboard to make and display the visual map, then add another component and select the data set just uploaded to enter the visual map editing interface.

Visual editing interface

Convert the province dimensions into geographical roles, and drag the generated longitude and latitude into the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively, while dragging the population indicator into the color area. All it takes is mouse drag and drop, no programming at all, and a high-quality visual map.

Not only that, you can also add components to filter provinces. For example, we need to check the situation of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai:

View of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai

At the same time, it can also be screened according to the population interval, such as the distribution of provinces with a population of more than 70 million:

View of provinces with population over 70 million

Step 3: Show the template

Excel and Echart are not as good as FineBI in this step, because FineBI platform can hang out the completed map visualization template, and leaders and colleagues can view it on the platform. There is no need to make PPT or export it to PDF format for reporting. For those who need work, It’s a function that really liberates the labor force.

Hang the display template


Compared to the other tools, FineBI is simple to use and performs well. In addition to the above features, FineBI also supports real-time data update, map drilling, custom areas, template reuse, and covers the vast majority of chart types, enriching the usefulness of map visualization.

Report visualizationFineReport

This is a commercial report software, enterprise application, to a certain extent can replace Excel, such as business system reports, data analysis reports, financial statements. It can be integrated with OA, ERP and CRM. The two main cores are filling and data presentation. If you know something about Java, you can do development. For example, my colleague used this to develop an internal examination system.

The main purpose is to make reports, reports and visualization of large data volume.

1, similar to Excel to make reports, do not need to PivotTable, do not write VBA, functions are encapsulated

2, fill in the function, collect data audit into (data) database is simply no pressure

3. Dashboard(decision report), which instantly becomes the “cockpit” of tables

4. Look at mobile terminal reports anytime and anywhere

The interface looks something like this, like Excel:


Zero code development, similar to excel design, easy to get started. In particular, the design of data dictionary, actual value and display value is the key to rapid development. These functions in other languages and systems often require a lot of code to achieve and frequently need to be only a few operations in FR.