Post your best one in the comments section. T will copy Flutter in its entirety and share the source code

All designs are from the design challenge launched by Sohu Xijian in June 2020: link here

All the following design drawings are from the network, if there is infringement, please contact me to delete, thank you for sharing ~

My favorite:

The color scheme of this one makes me comfortable

The other fourteen:

1. The tone of this photo is also very good, which is suitable for social app or photography app after modification

2. Needless to say, the style of this one is suitable for shopping apps or female-oriented apps

3. I think the logo of this one is suitable for film app, no problem

4. This wave is very suitable for music app. I made this design drawing of FLUTTER by MYSELF when I learned about flutter

5. This one is relatively simple, which I think is very suitable for reading apps

6. This orange style is suitable for commercial use, I think

7. This green tone is so similar to the app for buying vegetables

8. The matching tone of this one is very suitable for the campus. I think it is very suitable for the campus management app

9. This one is very suitable for dating app. Personally, I also like this color

10. The same goes for this one, which is perfect for campus

11. Needless to say, the logo of this one has been exposed. It’s a catering app

12. The login interface of music app should be cool. Love it!

13. This one is suitable for managing some of their own information. The design also says that this is your bank

14. This one is also very suitable for knowledge sharing, and the nuggets are very like, foreign style nuggets ~

Every one is designed by the designer, every one is great, thank you!!