Recently, Huawei officially announced that due to business development strategy adjustment, “Huawei Cloud Computer” will cease services and operations at 23:59 on August 15, 2021 (Beijing time), you will be unable to log in and use.

Until then, valid packages will still be available, but after the service is suspended on August 15, all data will be deleted and cannot be retrieved.

Huawei Cloud PC was released in 2018. To put it simply, you log in to the Huawei Cloud PC APP, and your phone and tablet can turn into a Windows “computer,” running PC programs that run on the Windows operating system of the cloud host and completing tasks that Android cannot handle.

Huawei’s announcement is not only about the shutdown of Huawei cloud services, but also about the current state of the network. The underlying protocol we use today is called HTTP, which is a centralized storage protocol, like the letters HTTP at the beginning of a website, and it’s been around for decades. Its storage method is to store the whole network data in a hard disk in one place. For example, baidu’s user data is stored in baidu’s central database. If one day, like Huawei, it can no longer work, then all the data will go up in smoke and never be recovered. Consult FIL Mining coffee

And there are many disadvantages of centralized storage, such as repeated storage of data, the same video takes up a lot of storage space. Data security is in jeopardy. If the central database suddenly loses power or some other accident occurs, then the data will be lost. When we open a website, we often encounter 404, 403 and this is data loss. Even more serious is the intrusion and theft, all the data in this database will be controlled by someone else, your privacy or the security of your property will be in the hands of someone else.

For example, if multiple people visit a website or APP at the same time, it will cause slow loading. In fact, this is not the network speed lag, but the central server is overloaded. Storage is also expensive, because it is centrally stored, and data providers need to spend huge sums to build databases and keep them running.

Against this backdrop, it was finally developed in 2014 by Protocol Labs with the help of the open source community. It was originally designed by Juan Benet, who set up his lab to develop IPFS with the aim of designing a protocol to create more secure, efficient and open networks. He went to Stanford University, where he studied computer technology and worked on distributed storage network technology.

This is a new network protocol that upends HTTP, changing centralized storage to decentralized distributed storage. Let the storage speed be faster, the storage cost is lower, the storage is more secure, the permanent storage, the data/the asset affirmation right.

Let’s briefly talk about how IPFS works.

(1) IPFS assigns a unique hash value (file fingerprint: created according to the contents of the file) to each file, even if the contents of two files are only 1 bit different, the hash value is not the same. This approach enables IPFS to support addressing based on file content;

(2) IPFS removes duplicate files in the whole network and establishes version management for files;

(3) When the file is queried, IPFS network searches according to the hash value of the file (unique in the whole network);

(4) The hash value is not easy to remember, which will cause propagation difficulties. IPFS uses IPNS to map the hash value to the name that is easy to remember;

(5) In addition to storing its own data, each node also stores a hash table to record the location where the file is stored. Used for file query download;

(6) IPFS solves essentially the most important thing for us: data storage. It can greatly reduce the cost of data storage and improve data download speed. IPFS was created to address the shortcomings of the current Internet.

The incentive layer of the IPFS distributed storage system is Filecoin, or FIL. The entire IPFS world has to pay FIL to circulate. For example, user A has to pay a certain FIL to store data in IPFS, and IPFS then allocates the data to the storage device. Of course, these storage equipment is not free storage, IPFS will give these storage equipment a certain salary of course, this salary is also FIL coins, this storage equipment is what we often say miners. The only final step to complete Filecoin’s economy is the existence of an exchange, where user A buys FIL and then pays IPFS for a ticket to store the data, and then the storage device, the miner, stores the data to get FIL. And then to obtain the FIL in the exchange to sell cash so as to gain or due interests.

In order to ensure that each storage of data to concentrate on the storage of data, so put forward the pledge currency this rule. For example IPFS is supermarket and store data is outside the supermarket store content ark, IPFS users is the supermarket, the user store items must be numbered, or the user can’t find myself, and label is the need of the supermarket workers in our understanding the mining machine for supermarket store content ark, outside a supermarket is IPFS, store content ark is FIL mill, The supermarket worker needs salary to do the work, so we need to pay him to help us number, the salary is the GAS fee, the supermarket to prevent us from losing the user’s goods, so we have to pay a deposit, which is the pledge currency. This rule ensures that every person who stores data will concentrate on storing the data. If the data is lost, the pledged currency will be confiscated, which is a very serious loss.

It has to be said that IPFS is indeed a cross-era technology, but it is not fully popularized now. After the current, a few giant Internet companies and huge institutions have applied this technology, and there is still a long way to go to realize the popularization of this technology.

This is also why major miners and individuals are now mining FIL, because IPFS is being gradually implemented and the demand for FIL is not high until IPFS is fully implemented in the future. When the FIL demand will gradually increase, the demand for rare FIL is more and more expensive, the price will be more and more high, of course, the FIL miners are the most profitable, and the first group of miners is the most comfortable. Now digging FIL is tantamount to being the first to eat crab.