Huawei 3D Modeling Kit is another technology opened by Huawei in the field of graphics and images. It is aimed at application developers who have 3D Modeling and animation capabilities. Based on AI technology, huawei 3D Modeling Kit provides automatic 3D object model generation and PBR material generation functions to achieve efficient production of 3D digital content.

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Derived from huawei’s own algorithm, 3D Modeling Kit supports all Android models while greatly reducing hardware threshold dependence. Without special hardware (RGBD\LiDAR, etc.), users can also estimate the depth information and complete the acquisition by using the common visual information matching between the captured images. With only an ordinary RGB mobile phone, 3D geometric models with high accuracy up to 2K-4K can be generated with one click. Compared with the traditional manual production by professionals, data collection, upload, model download and preview can be realized with simple integration, saving the cost of modeling content and improving the efficiency of modeling. Thanks to its ability of object background segmentation, the 3D Modeling Kit can be used to reconstruct models without background, with clearer and cleaner edges. It can be widely used in product Modeling, teaching demonstrations, game animation, short video production and other applications.

3D Modeling Kit provides the ability to convert RGB images to PBR materials by taking one or more RGB images and using AI-assisted material generation tools. Click to get diffuse Map, Normal Map, Specular Map, ROUGHNESS Map, which can restore the light and shadow effect of the material in the objective world in mainstream rendering engines and enhance the scene realism of the material. Especially in games, movies, etc., where the appearance of a scene requires a large amount of realistic material appearance and texture, 3D Modeling Kit can help developers reduce the need to tune from scratch and greatly improve production efficiency.

On July 27, HMS Core Insights live stream 5 — 3D Modeling Services, to quickly build high-quality 3D models, introduced the technology and application scenarios behind the new open 3D Modeling Kit in HMS Core 6.0. Those of you who are interested can review the highlights of this live broadcast below.

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Original author: Huawei-HMS Core