
HTML has added many new events, but due to compatibility problems, many events are not widely used, next to introduce some useful mobile touch events: TouchStart, TouchMove, touchEnd.


Let’s take a brief look at these events:

  • Touchstart: Triggered when a finger touches the screen, even if a finger is already on the screen.
  • Touchmove: Triggered continuously when a finger is swiped across the screen. Call the preventDefault() event to prevent scrolling during this event.
  • Touchend: Triggered when the finger moves away from the screen.

These touch events have common DOM attributes. In addition, they contain three attributes for tracking touches:

  • Touches: An array of touch objects representing the touch operations currently being traced.
  • TargetTouches: An array of Touch objects specific to the event target.
  • ChangeTouches: An array of Touch objects that represent what has changed since the last Touch.

Each Touch object contains the following properties:

  • ClientX: Touch the x coordinate of the target in the viewport.
  • ClientY: Touch the target’s y coordinate in the viewport.
  • PageX: Touch the x coordinate of the target in the page.
  • PageY: Touch the y coordinate of the target on the page.
  • ScreenX: screenX: touches the x coordinate of the target in the screen.
  • ScreenY: screenX: touches the x coordinate of the target in the screen.
  • Identifier: Unique ID that identifies a touch.
  • Target: screenX: touches the x coordinate of the target on the screen.

Knowing the characteristics of touch events, let’s start the actual tense stimulation

In actual combat

Let’s implement a mobile slideable progress bar by using touch events

Let’s start with the HTML layout

<div class="progress-wrapper">
    <div class="progress"></div>
    <div class="progress-btn"></div>
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The CSS part is omitted here

Gets the DOM element and initializes the distance from the touch start and button to the leftmost side of the container

const progressWrapper = document.querySelector('.progress-wrapper')
const progress = document.querySelector('.progress')
const progressBtn = document.querySelector('.progress-btn')
const progressWrapperWidth = progressWrapper.offsetWidth

let touchPoint = 0
let btnLeft = 0
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Listen for the TouchStart event

progressBtn.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
    let touch = e.touches[0]
    touchPoint = touch.clientX	// Get the initial position of the touch
	btnLeft = parseInt(getComputedStyle(progressBtn, null) ['left'].10)	// Internet Explorer compatibility is ignored here
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Listen for the TouchMove event

progressBtn.addEventListener('touchmove', e => {
    let touch = e.touches[0]

    let diffX = touch.clientX - touchPoint	// Calculate the change of distance by the difference between the current position and the initial position
    let btnLeftStyle = btnLeft + diffX	// Define a new left value for the button = btnLeftStyle + 'px' = (btnLeftStyle / progressWrapperWidth) * 100 + The '%'	// The ratio of the left value of the button to the length of the progress bar container is used to calculate the percentage of the progress bar length
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Through a series of logical operations, our progress bar has been basically realized, but we found a problem, when the touch location is beyond the progress bar container, there will be a bug, we will make some restrictions

if (btnLeftStyle > progressWrapperWidth) {
    btnLeftStyle = progressWrapperWidth
    } else if (btnLeftStyle < 0) {
    btnLeftStyle = 0
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At this point, a simple mobile scrollbar is implemented