How many programming languages do you know? This article has compiled Hello World programs for 30 programming languages, some of which you may be familiar with, but some of which you may not.

Take a look at these 30 programming languages and leave a comment if you know of others not mentioned in this article.


C language is a process – oriented, abstract general programming language, widely used in low-level development.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
  printf("Hello, world! \n");
  return 0;
Copy the code


C++ is the inheritance of C language, which can not only carry out the procedural programming of C language, but also can carry out the object-oriented programming characterized by the abstract data type, and can also carry out the object-oriented programming characterized by inheritance and polymorphism.

#include <iostream>
int main(a){
 std: :cout << "Hello, World! \n";
Copy the code


C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. Part of.NET, a language created specifically for the.NET framework.

class HelloWorldApp{
 	static void Main(){
 		 System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
Copy the code


Hot fried chicken! Python is a high-level scripting language that combines interpretation, compilation, interactivity, and object-oriented programming. Python is designed to be highly readable and has a more distinctive syntax structure than other languages that use English keywords more often, and some punctuation marks in other languages.

The majority of popular AI AI technologies are written in Python, which has greatly facilitated the development of Python.

print("Hello, world!")
Copy the code


Java is an object-oriented programming language, not only absorb the advantages of C++ language, but also abandon C++ difficult to understand multiple inheritance, Pointers and other concepts, so Java language has powerful and easy to use two characteristics. As a representative of static object-oriented programming languages, Java language has implemented object-oriented theory well, allowing programmers to do complex programming in an elegant way of thinking.

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello, world!"); }}Copy the code


JavaScript is a lightweight scripting language, the world’s most used scripting language, no need to compile, directly run while parsing and execution of the language.

JavaScript was originally designed for browsers, but with the release of the JavaScript V8 engine, the language’s performance improved dramatically. Then Ryan Dahl introduced Node, which brought JavaScript directly to all operating system platforms and made JavaScript more widely used. It is a language that can be used both front and back without the help of other language conversion tools. If you know JavaScript, you can do the whole front and back side of the website by yourself.

document.writeln('Hello, World! ');
Copy the code


TypeScript is an open source, cross-platform programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript that will eventually be compiled into JavaScript code. TypeScript adds an optional static typing system and many new ECMAScript features that have not yet been officially released.

TypeScript is now a must-learn technology for the front-end world. Current traffic Vue and React are written in TypeScript.

console.log("Hello, World!");
Copy the code


R is the language and operating environment for statistical analysis and mapping. R is a free, free, open source software for the GNU system. It is an excellent tool for statistical calculation and statistical mapping.

cat("Hello, World!")
Copy the code


A language that empowers everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Rust is a systems programming language that focuses on security, especially concurrency security, and supports programming paradigms such as functional and imperative as well as generics. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but its designers wanted to provide better memory security while maintaining performance.

fn main() {
  println!("Hello, World!");
Copy the code

10.Go Lang

Go (also known as Golang) is a statically typed, compiled language developed by Google. Go language syntax is similar to C, but the function has: memory safety, GC (garbage collection), structure and cSP-style concurrent calculation.

Goo has been around for a few years and seems to be getting a lot of attention in China.

package main 
import "fmt"

func main(a) { 
  fmt.Println("Hello, World!")}Copy the code


Lua is a lightweight scripting language written in standard C and open as source code. It is designed to be embedded in applications to provide flexible extension and customization capabilities.

print("Hello, World")
Copy the code


Perl is a text analysis and reporting language designed by Larry Wall for Unix programming. Perl is an interpreted scripting language.

It was intended primarily as a scripting language designed to handle system-oriented tasks in a Unix environment. Perl’s ability to manipulate and transform files and characters makes it especially suitable for tasks related to system administration, database and network interconnection, and WWW programming, making Perl the preferred tool language for system maintenance managers and CGI programmers.

use strict; 
use warnings; 

print("Hello, World!"); 
Copy the code


Haskell (pronounced /ˈhæskəl/) is a standardized, general-purpose, pure functional programming language with non-restrictive semantics and strong static typing.

Main = print "Hello world"
Copy the code


Bash, a type of Unix shell, runs on most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and Mac OS X V10.4 as the default shell.

echo 'Hello, world! '
Copy the code


Kotlin is a static programming language for modern multi-platform applications, developed by JetBrains. Kotlin can be compiled to Java bytecode or JavaScript, making it easy to run on devices without a JVM. Kotlin has become the official Supported development language for Android.

fun main(a) {
  println("Hello, World!")}Copy the code


Ruby is a simple and fast, pure object-oriented programming language developed by Japanese Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990s. It takes inspiration and features from Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. The Ruby language itself has spawned Ruby language alternatives for Other platforms such as JRuby (Java platform), IronRuby (.NET platform), and so on.

puts "Hello, World!"
Copy the code


Swift is a new development language released by Apple in 2014. It works with Objective-C on macOS and iOS platforms and is used to build apple-based applications. Swift is a programming language that is easy to learn and easy to use, and it was the first system programming language to be as expressive and fun as a scripting language.

import Swift
print("Hello, World!")
Copy the code


Julia is a high performance dynamic high level programming language for scientific computing. Its syntax is similar to that of other scientific computing languages. Julia is a flexible, dynamic language for scientific and numerical computation, with performance comparable to traditional statically typed languages.

println("Hello, World!")
Copy the code


Dart is a web programming language developed by Google and released on October 10, 2011. Dart should be designed to be compliant with both Java and JavaScript, with a c-like syntax that can be translated into JavaScript.

Google’s Flutter framework, written by Dart, helps developers efficiently build beautiful multi-platform applications through a code base that supports mobile, Web, desktop, and embedded platforms.

void main() {
  print('Hello, World! ');
Copy the code


Elixir is a functional, parallelism-oriented general-purpose programming language based on the Erlang virtual machine. Elixir is based on Erlang and supports the development of distributed, fault-tolerant, real-time applications, while also extending it to metaprogramming with macros and to support polymorphism through protocols.

IO.puts("Hello, World!")
Copy the code


Groovy is an agile development language based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It combines many of the powerful features of Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk. Groovy code combines well with Java code and can be used to extend existing code. Because of its nature running on the JVM, Groovy can also use libraries written in other languages other than Java.

println "Hello, World!"
Copy the code


Scala is a multiparadigm programming language, a Java-like programming language designed to implement a scalable language and integrate features of object-oriented and functional programming.

Scala’s ability to interoperate with Java and its access to the numerous existing Java class libraries makes it (potentially) easier to migrate to Scala.

object dev
    // Main Method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        // prints Hello World
        println("Hello, World!")}}Copy the code


Ada is a general programming language with strong performance. It has been developed by the US Department of Defense for nearly 20 years to overcome the crisis of software development. It has been hailed as a successful representation of the fourth generation of computer languages. Unlike other popular programming languages, it not only embodies many of the principles of modern software development, but also puts these principles into practice. Therefore, the use of Ada language can greatly improve the software system clarity, reliability, effectiveness, maintainability.

with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Hello, world!");
end Hello;
Copy the code


Bosque is a Programming language from Microsoft that references TypeScript syntax and typing, as well as ML and Node/JavaScript semantics. Microsoft research institute of new toys, similar projects have a lot of, are based on Microsoft research institute inside the people of programming language barrier development direction of exploration, programming language design to achieve interested people can see.

namespace NSMain; entrypoint function main(): String { return "Hello, world!" ; }Copy the code


BASIC is a literal programming language designed for beginners to use. It can be run by an interpreter without compiling or linking, but it still needs to be created as an executable file if it needs to be run alone.

BASIC’s simplicity and ease of learning soon became so popular that almost all small and micro home computers, and even some large computers, offered programs written in the language. In microcomputer, BASIC has long been one of the main languages of microcomputer because it can cooperate with the operation function of microcomputer.

PRINT "Hello, world!"
Copy the code


COBOL language, is a process-oriented high-level programming language, mainly used for data processing, is currently the most widely used in the world.

It uses more than 300 English words as reserved words to describe data characteristics and data processing in a form close to English written language, so it is easy to understand and learn. COBOL language is a high-level language specially designed for enterprise management, which can be used in statistical reports, financial accounting, planning, job scheduling, information retrieval and personnel management.

display "Hello, world!" .Copy the code


D, a general-purpose computer programming language, is powerful and feature-rich, supporting many programming paradigms, such as object-oriented. D language is derived from C/C++. It draws on the features of many programming languages and modern compiler technology, and combines the rich practical experience of its designers, giving it extraordinary power — both the powerful power of C/C++ and the development efficiency of Python and Ruby.

It combines many of the features required for system-level programming, such as garbage collection, manual memory manipulation, design by contract, advanced template techniques, inline assembly, built-in unit testing, mixin-style multiple inheritance, Java-like package management mechanisms, built-in synchronization mechanisms, and built-in basic runtime information.

import std.stdio;
void main()
    writeln("Hello, World!");
Copy the code


F# was developed by Microsoft. NET platform on a new functional programming language, support object – oriented.

open System
let main argv =
    printfn "Hello, World!"
Copy the code


Clojure is a dialect of Lisp running on the Java platform. Lisp is a programming language that is known for its expressiveness and power, but is often considered less suitable for general use, and Clojure has changed all that. Today, anywhere you have a Java virtual machine, you can take advantage of the power of Lisp.

(print "Hello, world")
Copy the code


Brainfuck is a minimal computer language created by Urban Muller in 1993. Because fuck is a dirty word in English, the language is sometimes called brainfck or brainf**, or even BF for short.

As its name suggests, the Brainfuck program is hard to read.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + > [> + + + + + + + + + > > > < < < > > < -] + + > - > > + [the] < -] > >. > -. + + + + + + +.. + + +. > >. < - <. + + +. -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - > > +. > + +.Copy the code

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